Just a thought, but seeing as he's called Jesus, wouldn't we be missing a bit of a trick if we didn't use some sort of church hymn for him?
When I was a kid back in the 70s and too young to do whatver I wanted, my mam used to drag me to church on a Sunday, and I always kinda liked that "Oh Jesus I have promised" one ...(probably because you get to shout "OH JESUS!" every now and again)... and the good bit of it's only about four lines long.
Oh Jesus, I have promised - To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou forever near me - My Master and my Friend;
And Jesus, I have promised - To serve Thee to the end;
Oh, give me grace to follow - My Master and my Friend.
Ok then lyrical geniuses; your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to fit some decent lyrics to the first verse of that and come up with a winner.
or maybe I should just get my coat :)