Neville at it again


Well-Known Member
28 Jul 2010
100% Manc Right here right now
Some friends of mine together with a large group including woman and children got off the train at Stockport after attending the semi.

Whilst waiting for there transport to arrive a certain Mr. Gary Neville also disembarked the same train, obviously some friendly banter ensued but to the families horror were told by Mr. Neville to F-OFF, to which at that point was reminded that as a future sky pundit (unbiased of course, some hope) that he is somewhat out off order and should have a lot more respect when ladies and children are present, at that point was then driven off in his Bentley.

If someone could pass this on to where it could be addressed official would be most grateful.


I was there when it happened. Some of the City players including De Jong, both Toure's, Milner & Brian Kidd got off the train with us.

Not one city fan was abusive - the worst that was said to him was give us a smile Gary - he didn't just tell us to F- off once but 3 times before walking away but then he came back for more. - He is a grade a classless TWAT and Sky shouldn't touch him


We have a journalist interested in this story, if you can get back with all details ie what time the train pulled in, exactly what happened and any quotes this would be great.
bluelol said:
Some friends of mine together with a large group including woman and children got off the train at Stockport after attending the semi.

Whilst waiting for there transport to arrive a certain Mr. Gary Neville also disembarked the same train, obviously some friendly banter ensued but to the families horror were told by Mr. Neville to F-OFF, to which at that point was reminded that as a future sky pundit (unbiased of course, some hope) that he is somewhat out off order and should have a lot more respect when ladies and children are present, at that point was then driven off in his Bentley.

If someone could pass this on to where it could be addressed official would be most grateful.

Classless rat faced prick, how does he not get smacked, at least someone should have slapped him while he was sleeping on the train.
When i saw the post title ,,, i immediately thought he had been caught again shagging his sister and brother . What a twat
bluelol said:
Some friends of mine together with a large group including woman and children got off the train at Stockport after attending the semi.

Whilst waiting for there transport to arrive a certain Mr. Gary Neville also disembarked the same train, obviously some friendly banter ensued but to the families horror were told by Mr. Neville to F-OFF, to which at that point was reminded that as a future sky pundit (unbiased of course, some hope) that he is somewhat out off order and should have a lot more respect when ladies and children are present, at that point was then driven off in his Bentley.

If someone could pass this on to where it could be addressed official would be most grateful.

Hahahahahahah i feel even better about all the abuse me and my dad give him as he walked into Wembley now.

That look on his face will never leave me
I was there when it happened. Some of the City players including De Jong, both Toure's, Milner & Brian Kidd got off the train with us.

Not one city fan was abusive - the worst that was said to him was give us a smile Gary - he didn't just tell us to F- off once but 3 times before walking away but then he came back for more. - He is a grade A classless TWAT and Sky shouldn't touch him.
Surely we can get him into trouble for this ? if every one emails sky and says we are cancelling our sky sports if he comes on it :)
I hope one of you lot goes to the media so that we can hopefully get to see a suitably exagerrated report about him some time this week. Get in touch with Cheeseman at the MEN.
I will be cancelling my sky sports subcripson without question at the end of the season, and was going to before this happened. I will also be telling sky the reasons why.

I still cant believe the decision to give that twat a job.

Someone needs to get this to the press sharpish if this is true.

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