New balotelli song...

SS117 said:
not my fault! said:
Just didnt sound like that at all, the tune wasnt the same either. But it could well have been I suppose. Any youtube clips of us singing it?

Edit: Thinking about it, it probably was to be fair with the odd word missing.
There you go...

Thanks, tbf I wouldnt of guessed it as "three little birds" but I do like it for some reason????
IanBishopsHaircut said:
SS111 said:
I wasnt no mate. We made it up before the Liverpool game, and got it going in Arkles, and also had it on facebook and on here and it seems to have taken off.

Ah no worries...there was a couple of youngish looking lads in there singing it and it was the first time i'd heard it!

Yes mate that was me and my mates. With the were not really here flag!
Balotelli chant (video)

Has this been posted? Class chant.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... eff51bf1a1</a>
Re: Balotelli chant (video)

They were singing this at the Palace this afternoon.


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