New Club Badge

23 Mar 2009
I am board of our club badge and want to see something more modern and considering the period of transformation that we are currently going through, it seems like the ideal opportunity to re design our clubs logo. Keep parts of our tradition but incorporate something that represents the powere we are soon going to have!!! Does anyone have any ideas about what they would like to see on the badge should the club decide to change it???
As far as im concered, changing the clubs badge is as bad as changing a clubs name
Im not talking about starting from scratch, i just mean updating it seeing as we are going through such a huge transition phase just now. Look at Tottenham's for example - changed theirs a couple of years ago and it just looks better... I dont think it would be a bad thing to maybe follow suit?!
Yes change it back to the old one. That's the one I wear as a badge, use as wallpaper on my phone, MSN profile pic etc etc.

The 'new' one is rubbish. The aesthetic use of the stars is awful too. Everyone knows what stars should mean on badges. How many times have you been asked "what three things have city won?"
jonnypaterson77 said:
I am board of our club badge and want to see something more modern and considering the period of transformation that we are currently going through, it seems like the ideal opportunity to re design our clubs logo. Keep parts of our tradition but incorporate something that represents the powere we are soon going to have!!! Does anyone have any ideas about what they would like to see on the badge should the club decide to change it???

you are BORED of our club badge already?? feck me we only had it 5 mins!!!!

the old badge was class,

the new 1 is fine!

leave it alone.
i agree about the three stars tho - its a horrible question to have when somebody asks what we have won to merrit them... What could we replace them with?
jonnypaterson77 said:
i agree about the three stars tho - its a horrible question to have when somebody asks what we have won to merrit them... What could we replace them with?
Keep them on and when someone ask what there there for say. to represent the 3 teams from manchester:-

Manchester city
Manchester city reserves
and bluemoon XI
jonnypaterson77 said:
i agree about the three stars tho - its a horrible question to have when somebody asks what we have won to merrit them... What could we replace them with?

I can smell something a bit raggish round here

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