New dogs name suggestions

My sister named her sausage dog Mercer just to piss her rag ex husband off, when he came around to see his two boys they always wanted to take the dog for a walk around Drinkwater park
jrb said:
Kolo would be proudto have a Dog named after him.


Hahaha This is fucking mint!
I think "miphaze" has a certain ring to it for a hound....

Imaging the scene, in the park, your mutt has run off and you start to scream.

miphaze, come! COME ON miphaze...

if that's a bit strong your mrs could call it metids...
Probably already been said, but it has to be Yaya. And you should really get another and call it Kolo. You could then shout in the park:

Yaya, Yaya, Yaya.....Kolo, Kolo, Kolo!
He's the good one York Away....the Springer before was called Jack The Bastard....for good reason... ;-)

By the way, we have a framed pic of him, signed 'To Goater, Best Wishes, SL Goater.....he laughed his head off when asked to sign it and said he would have to tell his kids...

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