New Team new Songs?

stand up if you love city is a great song for when stewards try and make you sit down really gets on there tits, apart from some new songs we need to get terrace classics back out there. The best city chant ever for me despite it being well well before I was ever born has to be

in 1963 we fell into div 2
the stretford end cried out alound
its the end of you sky blues..
joe mercer came we played the game
we went to rotherram
we won 1-0
and we were back into div 1
since then we've won the league
we've won the cup
we've been to europe too (and won)
and when we win the league this year
we'll sing this song to you

we'll never get a better city song
scotty said:
I really hope this season that the groung gets a few new anthems going, Feed the Goat many years ago was overwhelming to hear, sung with pride, love and passion, with the new team being assembled i feel the need to drain of a few of the old songs, songs i don't particularly want to join in with are

Stand up if you love city,,,crap
weve got Robinho....poor

Any songs you Bluemooners know that dont touch your soul??

I agree, i HATE about 50% of the dross songs that get sung at City!

- I dont join in with any songs that have that Italian opera tune, you know the "Pau-lo-Di-Canio" one that MCFC have rinsed to death: "Sven-Gor-an-Ericksonn" "Ire-land-is-Superman" "We've-got-Rob-inho" "WE'VE-GOT-SHIT-CHANTS-YOUKNOW!" This is the ultimate worst footy chant tune of all time, can it please be fucked off immediately!?!
- I dont feel "Stand up if you love City" neither! Cheesy as fuck!
- "You are my City, my only City, you make me happy when skies are grey........" In the last 5 years this has creeped in but it is not a City song, it's a shit East Midlands Championship or North East teams song that i do not like at all!
- "We all follow Man City over land and sea, and Stretford....." Cockney teams song! dont like it, dont sing it!
- Any Munich songs! grown up, got wiser, more intelegent, more classy to lower myself to sing any of them! I hope theres more than me that thinks that too - even United fans laugh when we sing them!
- "If you hate Man United clap your hands" "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" Primary school girls playground song, dross!

Improvement in song quality is down to getting your heads round the fact that all these awsome songs that get posted on here never ever get sung at games and get lost forever! People who make them CD's need to be contacted and given the tune and the words to songs so they can be distributed around the City community, people need to have some balls and get up in a quiet part of the game and sing a new quality song instead of waiting for the usual boring safe songs! but the best way ive found that songs get started is in the pubs before and after games and especially on the coaches and pubs when we go to away games!

The overall atmosphere in the CoMS is pretty poor! The Singing Section has 2 blocks and the South Stand has 3 blocks (lower tier) and they think they are both really good and openly say it, post it on forums and sing about it! but with 1500-2000 people max in both areas (about 4000 in total), its just far too miniscule a number to even be considered a good atmopheric set of vocal fans! The Kop behind the goal at Bramall Ln holds 11000 fans! The Kop at Anfield holds 12500! The Holt End at Villa Park holds 13500! Bearing these facts in mind i think the rest of the stadium has a lot to answer for! im not a SS'er or SS'er but i do consider myself a vocal supporter but there are too many people in the CoMS who rarely sing, there are some who never sing and there are the worst lot who frown at and moan at the people who do sing! What the fuck is that about!? and when we have a tiny vocal/atmopsheric area in our stadium it adds up to a poor atmopshere too often!

Also songs dont get sung for long enough! The SS or SS might start one off but by the time it's reached the North Stand and Level 3 the SS and SS have stopped singing it after 2 or 3 verses and a lot of the time songs just die on their arse! If we all made a bigger effort at games to be more vocal and get behind the team we could get a pretty good atmosphere at the CoMS! it will never be a fantastic atmosphere at our ground because of the dimensions of the stadium with small tiers and where the away fans are but more effort will better it! Look at the Hamburg game last season to show how that then effects the teams performance!

Come on blues! Im not saying i want us all painted blue from head to toe, all have flairs and flags, be standing on the seats, doing konga's or jumping on our mates backs for 90 minutes 19 times a season; but you get my point!
Who remembers that Big phil Scolari chant?
To the tune of Another brick in the wall-
We dont need no Phil Scolari,
We dont need Mourinho
Hey Thaksin, Leave our Sven alone!

Absolute class song and someone good at making songs should use that tune.
danburge82 said:
scotty said:
I really hope this season that the groung gets a few new anthems going, Feed the Goat many years ago was overwhelming to hear, sung with pride, love and passion, with the new team being assembled i feel the need to drain of a few of the old songs, songs i don't particularly want to join in with are

Stand up if you love city,,,crap
weve got Robinho....poor

Any songs you Bluemooners know that dont touch your soul??

I agree, i HATE about 50% of the dross songs that get sung at City!

- I dont join in with any songs that have that Italian opera tune, you know the "Pau-lo-Di-Canio" one that MCFC have rinsed to death: "Sven-Gor-an-Ericksonn" "Ire-land-is-Superman" "We've-got-Rob-inho" "WE'VE-GOT-SHIT-CHANTS-YOUKNOW!" This is the ultimate worst footy chant tune of all time, can it please be fucked off immediately!?!
- I dont feel "Stand up if you love City" neither! Cheesy as fuck!
- "You are my City, my only City, you make me happy when skies are grey........" In the last 5 years this has creeped in but it is not a City song, it's a shit East Midlands Championship or North East teams song that i do not like at all!
- "We all follow Man City over land and sea, and Stretford....." Cockney teams song! dont like it, dont sing it!
- Any Mu**ch songs! grown up, got wiser, more intelegent, more classy to lower myself to sing any of them! I hope theres more than me that thinks that too - even United fans laugh when we sing them!
- "If you hate Man United clap your hands" "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" Primary school girls playground song, dross!

Improvement in song quality is down to getting your heads round the fact that all these awsome songs that get posted on here never ever get sung at games and get lost forever! People who make them CD's need to be contacted and given the tune and the words to songs so they can be distributed around the City community, people need to have some balls and get up in a quiet part of the game and sing a new quality song instead of waiting for the usual boring safe songs! but the best way ive found that songs get started is in the pubs before and after games and especially on the coaches and pubs when we go to away games!

The overall atmosphere in the CoMS is pretty poor! The Singing Section has 2 blocks and the South Stand has 3 blocks (lower tier) and they think they are both really good and openly say it, post it on forums and sing about it! but with 1500-2000 people max in both areas (about 4000 in total), its just far too miniscule a number to even be considered a good atmopheric set of vocal fans! The Kop behind the goal at Bramall Ln holds 11000 fans! The Kop at Anfield holds 12500! The Holt End at Villa Park holds 13500! Bearing these facts in mind i think the rest of the stadium has a lot to answer for! im not a SS'er or SS'er but i do consider myself a vocal supporter but there are too many people in the CoMS who rarely sing, there are some who never sing and there are the worst lot who frown at and moan at the people who do sing! What the fuck is that about!? and when we have a tiny vocal/atmopsheric area in our stadium it adds up to a poor atmopshere too often!

Also songs dont get sung for long enough! The SS or SS might start one off but by the time it's reached the North Stand and Level 3 the SS and SS have stopped singing it after 2 or 3 verses and a lot of the time songs just die on their arse! If we all made a bigger effort at games to be more vocal and get behind the team we could get a pretty good atmosphere at the CoMS! it will never be a fantastic atmosphere at our ground because of the dimensions of the stadium with small tiers and where the away fans are but more effort will better it! Look at the Hamburg game last season to show how that then effects the teams performance!

Come on blues! Im not saying i want us all painted blue from head to toe, all have flairs and flags, be standing on the seats, doing konga's or jumping on our mates backs for 90 minutes 19 times a season; but you get my point!

I see your point (although I don't agree with the skies are grey comment as it's been sung since the mid/early 80's sice I have been going). The biggest problem for me is the fact that the whole of the South Stand aren't together ie. away fans inbetween. This was really highlighted to me at the Forest game last year. No City in the South Stand meant no noise from City at all that day. I have been lead to believe that the club also recognise this & are trying to move the away fans in future seasons, but it is difficult as the police want the away fns where they currently sit due to where the away coaches parking.
By the way, on a positive note, my favourite City songs are:

"We never win at home and we never win away
We lost last week and we lost today
We don't give a fuck cos we're all pissed up

"In 1998 when we fell to Division Two
The Stretford End cried out aloud
'It's the end for you Sky Blues'
Then Wembley came
We played the game
Horlock and Dockov scored
Weaver saved them pens
And we were back into Division One
We've won the League we've won the Cup
We've been to Europe too
And when we win the League again
We'll sing this song to you
City City City City City"

"My father said to me one day "is it red or blue for you?"
and if it's red you're out the door and I won't see you no more
and then one Saturday afternoon he took me to Moss Side
He said 'my son your time has come and this is a lesson in pride'
You see the scum you never run
You stand and fight your ground
and when you've won on derby day
You're sure to hear this sound
Hark now hear
The City sing
United ran away
And we will fight for ever more
Because of Derby day"

"City, we're on the piss again
City, we're on the piss again
City, we're on the piss again
1 banana, 2 banana, 3 banana 4.
City, we're on........................"

But we need more! Does anyone know of anyone who has a recording studio? does anyone know any of them lads that did the Blue Order Cool As Duck CD's? Does anyone have the time to go through old threads of "New Songs" and pick out the best ones and get something organised to do a yearly CD from all of us on Bluemoon of new songs?
Never felt more like singin' the blues,
City win, United lose,
Oh City, you got me singin' the blues.

Love that one.
Alex B said:
Who remembers that Big phil Scolari chant?
To the tune of Another brick in the wall-
We dont need no Phil Scolari,
We dont need Mourinho
Hey Thaksin, Leave our Sven alone!

Absolute class song and someone good at making songs should use that tune.

that actually come from another song

we dont need no police protection
we dont need no crowd control
hey dibble, leave them kids alone

we do need some new songs but most on here a to complex, the best chants are simple and usually funny, usually to cheesy tunes aswell
Maly Wilson said:
danburge82 said:
I agree, i HATE about 50% of the dross songs that get sung at City!

- I dont join in with any songs that have that Italian opera tune, you know the "Pau-lo-Di-Canio" one that MCFC have rinsed to death: "Sven-Gor-an-Ericksonn" "Ire-land-is-Superman" "We've-got-Rob-inho" "WE'VE-GOT-SHIT-CHANTS-YOUKNOW!" This is the ultimate worst footy chant tune of all time, can it please be fucked off immediately!?!
- I dont feel "Stand up if you love City" neither! Cheesy as fuck!
- "You are my City, my only City, you make me happy when skies are grey........" In the last 5 years this has creeped in but it is not a City song, it's a shit East Midlands Championship or North East teams song that i do not like at all!
- "We all follow Man City over land and sea, and Stretford....." Cockney teams song! dont like it, dont sing it!
- Any Mu**ch songs! grown up, got wiser, more intelegent, more classy to lower myself to sing any of them! I hope theres more than me that thinks that too - even United fans laugh when we sing them!
- "If you hate Man United clap your hands" "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" Primary school girls playground song, dross!

Improvement in song quality is down to getting your heads round the fact that all these awsome songs that get posted on here never ever get sung at games and get lost forever! People who make them CD's need to be contacted and given the tune and the words to songs so they can be distributed around the City community, people need to have some balls and get up in a quiet part of the game and sing a new quality song instead of waiting for the usual boring safe songs! but the best way ive found that songs get started is in the pubs before and after games and especially on the coaches and pubs when we go to away games!

The overall atmosphere in the CoMS is pretty poor! The Singing Section has 2 blocks and the South Stand has 3 blocks (lower tier) and they think they are both really good and openly say it, post it on forums and sing about it! but with 1500-2000 people max in both areas (about 4000 in total), its just far too miniscule a number to even be considered a good atmopheric set of vocal fans! The Kop behind the goal at Bramall Ln holds 11000 fans! The Kop at Anfield holds 12500! The Holt End at Villa Park holds 13500! Bearing these facts in mind i think the rest of the stadium has a lot to answer for! im not a SS'er or SS'er but i do consider myself a vocal supporter but there are too many people in the CoMS who rarely sing, there are some who never sing and there are the worst lot who frown at and moan at the people who do sing! What the fuck is that about!? and when we have a tiny vocal/atmopsheric area in our stadium it adds up to a poor atmopshere too often!

Also songs dont get sung for long enough! The SS or SS might start one off but by the time it's reached the North Stand and Level 3 the SS and SS have stopped singing it after 2 or 3 verses and a lot of the time songs just die on their arse! If we all made a bigger effort at games to be more vocal and get behind the team we could get a pretty good atmosphere at the CoMS! it will never be a fantastic atmosphere at our ground because of the dimensions of the stadium with small tiers and where the away fans are but more effort will better it! Look at the Hamburg game last season to show how that then effects the teams performance!

Come on blues! Im not saying i want us all painted blue from head to toe, all have flairs and flags, be standing on the seats, doing konga's or jumping on our mates backs for 90 minutes 19 times a season; but you get my point!

I see your point (although I don't agree with the skies are grey comment as it's been sung since the mid/early 80's sice I have been going). The biggest problem for me is the fact that the whole of the South Stand aren't together ie. away fans inbetween. This was really highlighted to me at the Forest game last year. No City in the South Stand meant no noise from City at all that day. I have been lead to believe that the club also recognise this & are trying to move the away fans in future seasons, but it is difficult as the police want the away fns where they currently sit due to where the away coaches parking.

I never realised that, im 27 and been going to City since 1989 when i was 6, but id never heard that song ever at City until about 5 years ago!

Thats where i have the problem with the lack of effort and atmosphere with the rest of the stadium away from the SS and SS!

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