Newcastle defeat ''like a family death''

I agree with the above. Can I add my pet hate? Footballers being described as "heroes", such as someone who scrambles the ball in to get a late winner, or some such. Heroes are servicemen currently risking death and maiming to satisfy their country's aims, UXB men (or women) de-fusing explosive devices, firefighters defying burning buildings, lifeboatmen going out to sea in a strom to save lives.
THEY are heroes, not footballers and other sports performers who may do well but are rarely heroic.
Rant over.
Stupid twat, they stood and watched their proverbial family member die on the pitch by not putting a shift in..... Then complain about it?? Get a grip and have some respect for people who do lose family members or mates....
I don't know about all that but I do admit how devestated I was at 4.45 pm on May 13th 2012. Didn't feel like a bereavement but it was pretty bloody bad.
He probably got carried away when explaining how upset he felt but at least he seems to give a shit. Leave him alone for God's sake. This forum would have been in meltdown if we'd have been beaten 6-0 at home!
Bill shankly phrase ect.

op maybe some people care about football more than you and maybe it means more to them than you , who the fucking hell do you think you are judging him on how much it should or should not mean to someone else give me one of him over one of you every day of the week.

I though it was plastic happy clapping fans we hated , you can't have it both ways

Steven Taylor > MES
Ducado said:
We can dress it up all we want but Football is entertainment, it's really not to be taken very seriously

This, actually , in the final anaysis...
Chairman Wesker said:
Bill shankly phrase ect.

op maybe some people care about football more than you and maybe it means more to them than you , who the fucking hell do you think you are judging him on how much it should or should not mean to someone else give me one of him over one of you every day of the week.

I though it was plastic happy clapping fans we hated , you can't have it both ways

Steven Taylor > MES

Blimey, which side of the bed did you get out of?
OK, so next time I have my wallet stolen, I shall go to the press and declare that I feel as if I had just been raped, and if anyone says what the fuck am I talking about, I'll just say ''obviously you dont care about my wallet as much as you do your wallet and who the hell are you to judge me on what my wallet should or should not to mean to someone else''.

Would that sound reasonable or would I sound like a stupid bloody idiot?

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