The laws of supply and demand suggest the extra regular seats in the expanded North Stand will be good for ticket price restraint.
My mate who as a steel erector helped to build the bigger stands at St James’ Park reckons the construction work will continue throughout the “holiday” period, given the tight timescales. Credit to everyone working on the expanded stand and the posters updating us on progress.
Just my theory, and I have no inside knowledge or expertise, but I would have thought it’s more likely that the hotel would be finished before the Summer 2026 timescale than the stand open early. That’s just an uninformed opinion looking at progress on construction knowing the hotel will rake in a fortune from gigs at COOP Live.
I think it’s exciting and I will salute our Club for undertaking this amazing work in the face of a world wind of media negativity.
I saw a few construction workers onsite. I didn't see or hear any work taking place.