A section of the covering letter.
140444/NMC/2024|Non-material amendment to Planning Permission 136763/FO/2023 to vary the wording of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans and Documents) to make elevational alteations
The Applicant is now proposing a further NMA to Planning Permission Ref: 136763/FO/2023 to agree a slight change to the rhythm of the hotel and commercial building façade bays.
Proposed Description of Development
The proposed Description of Development of this Application is as follows:
“Non-material amendment to Planning Permission 136763/FO/2023 to vary the wording of Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents).”
Proposed Non-Material Amendment
Following the granting of the Planning Permission, further detailed design development has been undertaken in relation to the North Stand development and specifically in respect of the hotel building façade.
This original façade condition for the hotel building included a ‘two-on, two-off’ rhythm of fritted to vision glazing, which was ultimately determined to be acoustically vulnerable to flanking sound transmission as rooms would effectively share either side of the same mullion in the facade with no internal lining behind. The proposed amendment seeks to slightly change the hotel façade from a ‘two-on, two-off’ rhythm to an ‘on-off, on-off’ rhythm. It ultimately retains the overarching conceptual approach behind the façade with glazing sitting behind architectural vertical ‘ribs’ connected to the curtain wall system.
Without the facade shift, the detail at the central mullion would require two layers of dense plasterboard to be run through to the glass on each side, creating an awkward visual both internally and externally. This requirement is eliminated with the half bay shift.
To ensure consistent detail and visual continuity across City Square, the mullions have very slightly shifted also on the commercial building.
What is interesting is that they now describe it as 'fritted glazing' for the solid panels, where previously it was metal panels. Huge difference that. For the better, if that is indeed what they end up going with. The sample panel will tell.