Nuclear war - has it started?

Could be a good thing if that missile test has failed.
Makes it all the harder for Trump to justify wading in with his missiles, and allows more time for cooler heads to prevail to work out a strategy (involving China) to neutralize the nuclear threat of North Korea.
North Korea have had a failed test of an unspecified missile. The US pacific fleet said they tracked it and it 'blew up almost straight away'

I should not laugh because some poor engineer is gonna get the fucking chop for this but they really do not help the stereotype of themselves being a little bit half baked and not as sorted as they think they are.

I do hope if it does kick off with them they just kill the leadership fast because the average soldier is as innocent as a granny knitting at home really in that state.
Thats some poor unfortunate scientist losing his knackers and fed to the dogs
Russia aren't allied with NK, if it played out as per above they'd probably just take the chance to strengthen their influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Wouldn't be so sure China would get involved either, they'd be risking everything they've worked for over the last 20 years.

So the history is

Korea was part of Japan until the end of the second world war.... Following the defeat of Japan it was decided to break up their empire. Korea was split into two along the 63rd parallel with north falling under control of the Russians and the south under the control of the Americans. The Russians installed their chosen leader and it was run as a communist state.

In 1953 the North invaded the South (a much weaker state) and the Americans got involved in an effort to stop the advance of 'communism' then the Russians and the Chinese got involved to help the north. This was the start of the Korean War. eventually a cease fire was called and the border once again was drawn at the 63rd parallel.

The cease fire is still in place but no peace treaty has ever been signed. ........
So the history is

Korea was part of Japan until the end of the second world war.... Following the defeat of Japan it was decided to break up their empire. Korea was split into two along the 63rd parallel with north falling under control of the Russians and the south under the control of the Americans. The Russians installed their chosen leader and it was run as a communist state.

In 1953 the North invaded the South (a much weaker state) and the Americans got involved in an effort to stop the advance of 'communism' then the Russians and the Chinese got involved to help the north. This was the start of the Korean War. eventually a cease fire was called and the border once again was drawn at the 63rd parallel.

The cease fire is still in place but no peace treaty has ever been signed. ........
Can you actually show a link to this? The reason I'm asking is, that while the USSR were one of the only countries/entities to have diplomatic relations with North Korea between 1948 and 1989, 1 - there's never been a formal military alliance and 2 - the USSR and modern Russia aren't one and the same and even that diplomatic relationship no longer exists.
knowing them NKs the missile has probably fail'd on purpose, he's attempted a launch so keeps face and now the ball is in Trumps court
That thought crossed my mind. It gives both sides an opportunity to ratchet down the tension without looking too much like either side has backed down.
That thought crossed my mind. It gives both sides an opportunity to ratchet down the tension without looking too much like either side has backed down.
Do you think America will back down if reports are true that the weapons the North displayed the other day are fully functioning ICBMs.
I personally can't see it escalating too much more. The fact Russia are urging restraint and calm from the US and NK demonstrates that they do not want any kind of major conflict to arise, which makes me feel more calm about the Syria situation. I think that China will manage to resolve the NK issue and Trump has already alluded to this. By all accounts without China trade the NK economy would pretty much collapse.

For all the front these leaders like to show, they haven't got to where they are by being completely stupid and unaware of the impact which entering a nuclear war would have on the entire world. They can't be seen to be weak as they are trying to protect their countries interests, but talking tough and pressing the button on a nuke are two different things.
Do you think America will back down if reports are true that the weapons the North displayed the other day are fully functioning ICBMs.
I doubt the reports are true. The missile tests they've done so far fall far short of what would be required to develop a functioning ICBM in my opinion.

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