Oh no!

Saw this the other day...hilarious...5 or 6 nomarks who nobody has ever heard of...the Blazing Squad? Come on...I wouldn't mind if they were all teens but the lad without the mask looks in his 30s!

Is that the sum total of their 'squad'?

Wouldn't surprise me if BBC3 just dragged a couple of lads off the street and asked them to put some masks on and act moody...must be getting desperate for new programme ideas

Big hard guys, eh? But not that hard; they won't show themselves and end up doing time. Time to move on boys, the 70s and 80s were a long time ago.
I thought this thread was going to be nostalgic look back at Piccadilly radio's "oh no" whenever a team scored against a local team.

"It's a goal"
Obviously some kind of joke. Where do they attack their prey? At a 'crossroads'

I seem to remember half a dozen boy band geeks bouncing around at the Townley and calling themselves Blazin' Squad either last season or the one before.

Everyone was taking the piss out if them.
Awww come on lads, leave them alone!
I thought they came across quite well!!
I bet none of you lot would dare say it to their faces etc

Oh sorry I can't keep it up...ha ha ha very funny lads!

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