ok so we are all a bit nervous

As soon as pre match starts showing city goals flying in and passing moves cutting through defences it will be fine! Come on city...!
We all know that, but the only way it will be undisputable is if we win the league. The alternative is unthinkable. Fuck, come on you blues
Course we are nervous but we forget how good we can be. If this was the other way round and it was us going to sunderland and them playing qpr at home, if you asked the press the title would be over, but because its them its not.

It was the same against united, the press said united have the know how, united have been there so many times, this is where united shine, city will crack under the pressure etc etc, that didnt work.

Then it was on to newcastle, it was how will city stop cisse and ba, how can they contain cabaye and ben arfa, newcastle barely ever lose at home, they are fighting for the champions league they wont let that go, city are so close they will blow it and that didnt work.

Now its this week, its qpr are fighting tooth and nail against relegation, hughes onohua, swp and barton have a point to prove, hughes has a great record against city, city are so close the nerves will get to them, theyve never been before etc etc.

It must be great playing city because for that one week you become the greatest team in the world, not to mention we are the best team at home and they are the worst away thats barely even been worth a mention, all you here is its a cup final and anything can happen which is true but we had a cup final last year, 2 weeks ago, last week, as i said last week lets respect qpr but lets also recognise that we have some pretty good players ourselves.
nervouse excited... just like before any of the times we have been on the cusp of returning to where we belong... i must stop playing FIFA.... to be honest YEAH as much as the semi last season, final 81, 1969... funily i wasnt worried in 68...i was 9 and didnt realy appreciate, what was hapening... I FOOKIN DO NOW...come ON CITYYYYYY
No nerves whatsoever, looking forward to Manchesters biggest party. 2-0 or greater by half time, enjoy yourselves fellow Blues, worrying will only spoil part of the day you have waited so long for.

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