Well-Known Member
Pardoe, Pardoe, he’s off to Mexico,Hi ho, hi ho,
we're off to Mex-i-co,
with Bell & Lee & Summerbee...
with Bell & Lee & Summerbee,
Pardoe Pardoe!
Pardoe, Pardoe, he’s off to Mexico,Hi ho, hi ho,
we're off to Mex-i-co,
with Bell & Lee & Summerbee...
It caught on when we had Wynn Davies…One from the mid-1960s that didn’t catch on for some reason.
For Jimmy Murray, to the tune of the Manfred Mann version of Bob Dylan’s Mighty Quinn:
Come on without, come on within,
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Jim.
Quite right, although I still hear it said in here from time to timeSwales Out!
That's how I remember it in the early 70sIt caught on when we had Wynn Davies…