One Man To Blame For W/C

Don't be greedy, man

The world is big and every country has the right to organize atleast once the event.

That is why it is called World Cup
No doubt that the press have had an impact...Sepp clearly reads the British tabloids whilst having his morning pony...

VOOMER said:
No one on this forum is surprised at the level of corruption, so why is Anson so surprised. THe fact is europe is corrupt, beyond belief. We have corruption, the world is corrupt. People are talking about leaving Fifa. This would be possible only with the backing of the G13 teams/countries and hasn't it already been stated that more power to those clubs would be bad for football in europe? Lets just accept that if some is corrupt (which we already new Fifa was), that a lunch and photo shoot with Prince William and Peckham, is seen as a joke, when a couple of million per person is handed over from Russia and Qatar. Its actually hilarious. Dickheads like Anson are so up their own arses that they can't see the only peple that give a fuck about our royal family, are us and that Peckham is now a footballing nobody. You can see it now, "Well how would you like to meet a Prince?" from Anson to "How would you like a free night in my brothel and £400k?" from the ruski's.

We're just so fucking naive - the Russians had a 6' godess in a leopard print dress we had Beckham in navy blue suit. I know who I would want on their knees in front of me in the early hours of Thursday securing my vote!!
Blatter and his EXCO had signposted what it would take to win so how stupid are we to take a group of train spotters to vegas for a stag weekend!
we got blattered<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:37 pm --<br /><br />Only one man to blame
Rio Ferdinand
Ruined it with the ridiculous ending
Ugly tosser scared everyone
Your right in part he's a corrupt, pompous shit but we should have pulled out before the vote and after the Sunday Times exposure and when we knew what was in the Panorama Report. We could have done it then on the basis that we believed the FIFA process was no longer fit for purpose.

The FA and the bid team knew how corrupt FIFA is and by cow towing to them we legitamised the corruption and we brought on our own humiliation.

What we need to do now is let loose the media on the 22 people involved and investigate the hell out of their finances using whatever it takes to prove conclusively what we already know.

As for 2030 if FIFA doesn't change tell them to stick it.

Qatar is a bigger scandal. You could almost make a case for Russia. I have been to Qatar several times on business and if anyone really thinks with their geaographical size limitation, social regulations, accommodation limitations and temperatures they can host a credible World Cup then Sepp Blatter is the worlds most honest man.

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