OS cheesiness

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Can't wait for next season.
WNRH said:
Manchester City......are.....you......readyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I can't hear you, Manchester City........are.....you.......readyyyyyyyyyyyyy

*play this*

Please welcome coming out of the tunnel your team for today,

In goal he likes watching MOTD and Friends and is a deeeeeeeeeeeeecent cricketer in his spare time it's Joe the Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt Doggggggggggggggg

At centre half, he was born in Belgium but now considers himself Mancunian, modelling the new 7th strip for this season which is now available in your club store - which is now open during the games - for the rock bottom super smashing price of £78, it's Van-sont Kommmmmmmmmmmmmmpanyyyyyyyy.

Wearing 34 which is the same number in pounds as the brand new Manchester City Poznan iPhone game where you can do an interactive Poznan on your phone and make everyone in your family, including United fans jealous with envy, it's Nigel de Jongggggggggggggg. We apologise for any rough work Nigel does and please remember kids, do not, try this, at home, believe me.

Yadda Yadda Yadda

So, that's your team for today bluemooners, can we get this stadium rocking? I said, can we get this stadium rocking? Ok, lets all get up, turn around and lets do that poznan, after three, one, two, three.

Well done everyone, now it's matchtime, please do not swear, stand up, or get excited, the City Square will be open after the game and the club shop is now open with match time discounts.
I'd love this to happen personally.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:04 pm --<br /><br />
1_barry_conlon said:
I would go with 'Cheesing' and i'm sure Skashion can attach the appropriate clip?
Sadly not, I'd love to but there isn't a decent clip of it on YouTube and I can't be arsed uploading one meself.
Didsbury Dave said:
crizack said:
If it carries on, I will not be renewing next season.

Very harsh mate. It bugs me but it would never stop me going. i've swallowed 30 years of shite on the field, I'm not missing out on the good stuff.

I'd rather have a title challenge with the "We will rock you" theme than a relegation battle with Vince Miller singing "Abide With Me".

Who remembers that?

I remember 'Abide with Me' in '69 and fer the next 30 years no fucker did abide with us!<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:01 pm --<br /><br />
1_barry_conlon said:
Stop being so grumpy.

I'm looking forward to wearing my Jesters hat and carrying my Foam Finger for the first game of the season.

I hope there's a comeback on the horizon for the good old fashioned 'Rattle'

Hey, Barry, yer'd never get yer rattle past the Elf 'un Safety wallahs!
mcfcliam said:

Fucking legend, WNRH...although I think it'll be more like this...

'North stand, make some noiseeeeeeeeeeeee!'


'Oh come on guysssss, we can't hearrrrr youuuuuu!'


'Oh wait, we have an announcement to make...could Tarquin Harvey-Lottway please report to your nearest steward as you seem to have dropped your personalized foam finger, thankyou'

*all the matchday 'team' lead by Ferris do a poznan while the north stand do a choreographed routine dance*

Haha, I can just imagine it

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