Our Club


Well-Known Member
1 Oct 2009
I think the current situation with Tevez is going to create a milestone in English Footbal history, and certainly in ours.

The strength of the Club from owners down to the Manager and throughout the whole, is a very powerful, profound and influential group of intellectual and astute people, who each in their own way would have to be considered elite in their particular field of expertise.

Gone is the old, badly run and shambolic institution where weakness was obvious and examples of our hands being forced by some reckless manager or player, taking advantage of us and spreading indecision, mahem and generally de-stabalising us to our core.

This Club is now efficient and lean, but with men such as Cooke and Marwood, who when it comes to negotiating and legal or corporate wranglings, is as tight and ruthless as could ever wish to be.

The time has come now, where though we have quietly, but stealthfully been cementing and constructing a superstructure, and thus far have been like a media 'patsy', a big, but very soft lad in a big school playground, we now however, are nearing the finished article, and this boy is now out of school, mature and confident, able to punch easily above his weight.

I have loved everything that Carlos has done since he arrived here, but as I posted recently, he has been more of a 'Minder', keeping us in touch with the other top teams, whilst Mancini has organised a well drilled unit, with real strength in depth, with experience and class to boot.

Tevez's enthusiasm and rich goal form, have bought us much needed time for the other world class players we have, to come in settle and find their form.

12 months ago such a situation like has arrisen would undoubtedly have been dissasterous, however, though many on here won't fully agree, Tevez is not only, no longer indespensable, but he other than his goal contribution, will not be as badly missed as a lot might believe.

I'm not suggesting Tevez is as good as gone, it's only a month or two since Shreck handed in a similar request, but ended up with his tail firmly back between his legs, but Tevez for all his worth and power as a player, is contracted to us and we above all other Clubs, are now resilient enough to take any blow on our chin and hit back with real knock out punches.

In past history several clubs have taken a stance against rebel players and been prepared to drop or bench them, with a view that if they don't change their attitude and fall back in line, they'll be made to fester in the reserves.
City have the finacial and legal clout to take on the world, so both Tevez and his agent had better be ready for a very hard and possibly dirty fight, which could be to the death, and certainly one war which they stand absolutely no chance of winning.

I have seen several displays in recent months, which have been as impressive as any I can remember from an attacking perspective since the Mercer years, and assume many of those berating Mancini and accusing him of negativity, must now be able to see just how wrong they were. I am not blaming people for having their doubts, but merely pointing out that what I anticipated after researching Mancini, has now started to develop. He is undoubtedly a tough but intelligent tactician, who if given the tools, will do the job. I rate Roberto very highly as a manager and see him in a similar light to Mourinho, but without the bratish and fickle side that has brought Jose into so much confrontation, I suppose class is the real difference, but certainly not ability.

Whichever way you look at the Club on a whole, we are ploughing forward through the water like a Battleship, intent on winning a great battle, and I doubt any one player, even one as good as Tevez is, will slow our progress with his antics.

Silva, in my opinion, is a far more important cog in our engine, than any other player currently at the Club, it's this guys vision and deftness of pass that will open up other teams, for all Tevez's work rate and battling instincts, work rate and effort are no real substitute for Guile, class and vision, and though I appreciate Tevez's passion and none stop running, his recent greed has been an unwelcome side to him that has lessoned our impact from an attacking perspective.

Though any war between the Club and Tevez won't be helpful to our ambition, this will be no more than a minor, pre January distraction, that and any other player, regardless of reputation, will quickly realise which side his bread is buttered on, and that he is a very lucky and privlidged man.

Though family has to be of massive significance, it's us who are paying for his allegiances and his apparently very substancial wages. Hope he can get his head together and see the wood for the tress, hope he stays and gets rewarded for all the work he's put in so far, but don't fall into the trap of thinking any one man could bring 'this' Club to it's knees.
First time poster so be nice!!

The club statement was qucik to come out, short and concise something we wouldn't have seen in previous years. A lot of credit has to go to Ms Kloss and her team for this.

On a seperate note this is further evidience that players are controlled by agents. If players were a little more business savy and could understand basic commerical negotiation then perhaps we wouldn't have this agent controlled culture where players believe everything they are told. Kia Joorabchian has seen what Paul Stretford has done in Stretford and thinks he can do the same with City.......how wrong is he going to be and hopefully Carlos will see the error of his ways!

If it is for personal reasons and he wants to go back home then i will be the first to wish him all the best, however he needs to see the season out, contribute to us securing 4th spot (at least) and leave us on a platform going into next season that many city have never seen.

.......cue comments, good, bad and indifferent!
SPC2010 said:
First time poster so be nice!!

The club statement was qucik to come out, short and concise something we wouldn't have seen in previous years. A lot of credit has to go to Ms Kloss and her team for this.

On a seperate note this is further evidience that players are controlled by agents. If players were a little more business savy and could understand basic commerical negotiation then perhaps we wouldn't have this agent controlled culture where players believe everything they are told. Kia Joorabchian has seen what Paul Stretford has done in Stretford and thinks he can do the same with City.......how wrong is he going to be and hopefully Carlos will see the error of his ways!

If it is for personal reasons and he wants to go back home then i will be the first to wish him all the best, however he needs to see the season out, contribute to us securing 4th spot (at least) and leave us on a platform going into next season that many city have never seen.

.......cue comments, good, bad and indifferent!

Carlsberg don't do first posts, but if they did .........
As an American, I have to admit I'm confused by the manner in which agents receive compensation in Europe if I've been informed correctly, which I may very well not have. Is it true that agents receive a lump sum at the time of the contract signature and/or a lump sum when the transfer fee is paid? If so, has any organization--be it club or the FA or anyone--considered the way our sports agents are paid, which is generally a percentage of the player's contract negotiated between the player and the agent? It tends to add a major incentive for agents to want their star players to go into the final year of the contract before agitating since they're making money over the life of the contract.

Apologies if I've been misinformed.

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