Our current status and our youth academy


Well-Known Member
16 Jul 2009
First of all this is my first posting as a "new topic", so i'd let to take this moment to say "Hello to all user's of Bluemoon" & i hope you dont see this thread as a pointless one.

I'd like to focus on our youth academy for a moment, what i'm about to say is a mixture of feeling's i've had to chance to listen too aswell as my own views.

Without saying the takeover is fantastic for all attached to City, the players coming in is fantastic, and the vibe around the place is even better but what will happen to the youth?

We all want success that goes without saying but i do not want our academy to suffer and suffer in the sense of not being able to progress at the club, we have all said it ourselves and been proud of the fact that we have had the pleasure in watching the young lad's coming through and running out to make their debut, i for one have said in the past sat round a pub table how shit in comparission the rags system has become, young talented lad's NOT being able to break into the senior squad due to there investment in other players and not just the rags, but teams like Chelsea who in the youth cup final payed a fee (thrown Arsenal in that aswell) for most of there youth lads we have the scouts who can bring in local lads and good on them.

I remeber as a young lad playing in a Saturday league team, City scouts came and noted my name, nothing ever came of it but that wasnt the point, City noticed me and i was over the moon, i now help coach a local under 14's team and when i speak to them about their aspirations & of course the lads who support City say they want to play for "City" in the next breath i've heard a well thought counter by the same lads, that being they are starting to dismay that dream and say they would rather get scouted by a smaller club, they understand the Chelsea's of this world and dont want to become a number.

I just have a great passion for our young, local talent to be given a crack, of course they have to be good enough and some will say well if they are good enough they will be a success but is that always the case?

I look at lads like:
David Ball
Keiran Trippier
Sam Williamson
Angelo Tsiakis
Shaleum Logan

Then starlets from the under 18's such as:
Marcelo Trotta
Jack Redshaw
Igor Paldon

Im not saying all mentioned will make the cut as automatic choice in the senior squad in a few years i think the opposite, I'll go record and say i truly believe all players mentioned will be with other clubs in a few years, not for lack of talent i just believe they wont be tested Weiss has the best chance but for Weiss they will be 4/5 other players in front of him.

I want success as much as anyone, but all i am saying i hope it doesnt stop the growth of our homegrown players.

Thats all, Cheers Fella's
squirtyflower said:
Major said:
No comments after 21 views i am suprised
Probably because it's difficult to discern the point you are making.
Then again I am a clown.

I'm just vending my views on what i hear from friends etc aswell as young lads, if i am trying to make a point its that of will our youth academy be served as a purpose for other clubs.
If we clear the squad of fringe players like Benjani, Dunne, Garrido, Caceido, maybe even the likes of Elano, Petrov and Dunne, then there is room for Academy players to come through.
Your examples of players perhaps arent the best mate.Marcello Trotta never played for the under 18 side he was an under 16 and left for reasons that werent strictly football related.Igor Paldan wasnt good enough to be a regular in the academy under 18 side.

No doubting it is going to be more difficult for local lads-for example City have recently taken two lads from Leeds academy.
I think that this is our squad, with no injuries:

Obviously more signings to come I hope!

De Jong

Then I think that Weiss could play instead of Ade or RSC, with Tevez partnering up front but bar that no academy players atm could get in. Petrov, SWP Elano all ahead in midfield and with Zabs and other signings bolstering defence nobody can get in there. And with 10 strikers!

Good point mate, i hope it doesn't come to happen...
I think there is a clear purpose to carry on with the youth academy as shown by a number of things;
Jim Cassell being given a bigger brief and recruiting of better players from abroad to name just two.

If the players you mention are good enough to get in the team then I'm sure they will, but they will have to be good.

But in the short term, the owners and the fans, to be honest, want the success sooner and later and so we will have to spend big this and next year to catch others before we can start looking to youngsters.
I think the days of us bringing in 18 year olds and having to rely on them are gone. That's what led us to relegation flirtation for three years running, and I'm not blaming the kids, they were just put in far too soon and not as back up.
squirtyflower said:
I think there is a clear purpose to carry on with the youth academy as shown by a number of things;
Jim Cassell being given a bigger brief and recruiting of better players from abroad to name just two.

If the players you mention are good enough to get in the team then I'm sure they will, but they will have to be good.

But in the short term, the owners and the fans, to be honest, want the success sooner and later and so we will have to spend big this and next year to catch others before we can start looking to youngsters.
I think the days of us bringing in 18 year olds and having to rely on them are gone. That's what led us to relegation flirtation for three years running, and I'm not blaming the kids, they were just put in far too soon and not as back up.

One thing that concerned me was back at a branch meeting early this year (Reddish) if only one from bluemoon attended you will remeber Jim Cassell was there and i asked him about the youth of course, he went on to say Hughes never goes to see them in action that struck a chord to me it didnt go down well. Weiss will get a run in the carling cup games but no more than that i believe.
squirtyflower said:
I think there is a clear purpose to carry on with the youth academy as shown by a number of things;
Jim Cassell being given a bigger brief and recruiting of better players from abroad to name just two.

If the players you mention are good enough to get in the team then I'm sure they will, but they will have to be good.

But in the short term, the owners and the fans, to be honest, want the success sooner and later and so we will have to spend big this and next year to catch others before we can start looking to youngsters.
I think the days of us bringing in 18 year olds and having to rely on them are gone. That's what led us to relegation flirtation for three years running, and I'm not blaming the kids, they were just put in far too soon and not as back up.

Im not sure about your last point, Richards, Ireland, Nedum, Johnno are all testament to Jim and others, but i will say these lads was brought in before the takeover. If the same players were 17-18 years old do you think they would be in with a chance now?

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