Our New found wealth is not helping us.

Sorry, but utter bollocks.

Apart from the fact that we are now 100% secure financially and away from the nightmare danger of going bump (just ask Liverpool, West Ham etc fans how that feels), we are in the position to attract top players LONG TERM to City.

Why do some people expect instant success - it never happens that way. And to clarify, Chelsea were already near the top of the league when Roman tipped up.

We are going through growing pains, and will be doing so for the next few years - whilst hopefully making progress each season. Unless we accpet that, the next couple of seasons are going to be one long "This is terrible!" versus "Keep the faith" debate.

Keep the faith!
jopapgh said:
We are going through growing pains, and will be doing so for the next few years - whilst hopefully making progress each season. Unless we accpet that, the next couple of seasons are going to be one long "This is terrible!" versus "Keep the faith" debate.

Keep the faith!

This is terrible!!! ;)

How very dare you ... ahh go on then I admit it. ;>]

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