Looking through the pictures it's quite interesting to see who's wearing PPE and who's not.
a programme I watched recently said covis-19 was disproportionately killing black people, surely this can’t be right subjecting them to possibly catching this and passing it on to their loved ones the season needs abandoning you can’t stand within 2 meters of someone in a supermarket but you can play a contact sport to make sure the dough keeps coming in madness
I think it's a bit weird to wear a mask in your own car, unless you're in it with other people.Looking through the pictures it's quite interesting to see who's wearing PPE and who's not.
I'd be happy to be pain however much to not do anything.Carson looking thrilled.
I think it's a bit weird to wear a mask in your own car, unless you're in it with other people.
That only comes in to play at the end of May sometime.
A mask also stops you touching your mouth or picking your nose.Why do people wear a mask in their own car ? The only person that can give them the virus in their own car is themselves (Mendy apart obviously).