Outside the ground tonight

was staying in hotel after the game 4 the night,to have a few pints(that changed), saw this from other side of the road....i stopped not to gawp, but i could tell that it looked terminal...so not to gawp but to pay with a tear my respects to a fellow blue......dont care about the result, anything else..........rip blue
Brings it all in to prospective, everybody should go home after the match. my heart goes out to the family. RIP blue best seat in the house now<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:39 pm --<br /><br />Sorry lost the ability to spell ( PERSPECTIVE)
Always sad to hear about an untimely and tragic death but this is especially sad considering all the circumstances around it, his wife and kids and loads of other people looking on helplessly... Will the minute's silence be at home (I'm guessing there will be one) or at Burnley do you think? I couldn't get tickets for Burnley so I hope they do one for Birmingham so those of us who aren't going to Burnley can pay our respects too.
blue_bird said:
Awful news.

I spoke to my ex colleague who was one of the paramedics dealing with him, he said he'd had a straight cardiac arrest - there was no other cause, so no-one to blame.

As I walked past I heard a lad say to his pal "Shit, hope that blokes ok" to which his mate replied "Yeah, only if he's a blue though". I'm not going to repeat what I said to him but he was met by a barrage of abuse as I was so disgusted. Sick bastard.

I'm absoutely gutted for the guys family. RIP.

to be honest after he said that, im suprised he didnt need an ambulance

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