I have done quite a few successful appeals. 100% of the time when the fine/penalty was wrong I have managed to get the penalty charge dropped. On a few occasions where it was perhaps more debatable due to staying over time limits by 10 minutes etc. the case can usually be dropped due to technicalities.
There are a lot of online resources for this but if in the case of ASDA and Parking Eye I would always ask for sight of the contract that entitles Parking Eye to charge on land on which the car park is located. In approx. 10 cases I have done they have never been able to provide the contract and the case has been dismissed by POPLA.
PLEASE NOTE: I do this for fun on behalf of friends and relatives, I do not simply ignore parking regulations! The fact is that most of these parking charges/penalties are the basis for how these companies make money and in my opinion, it is a disgrace that businesses are allowed to operate legally on this basis in a modern democratic nation!
If anyone wants a bit of advice then PM me and I will do my best.
Here is my situation with ParkingEye. I have no problem owning up that I went over despite the mitigating factors of getting done for 14 minutes over at 10pm when the shops on the small retail park were closed. I used the car park to go to a restaurant next door and my alternative was parking 10 minutes walk away with elderly folk out with us. They could argue we shouldn't be parking there if we weren't using the shops but the signage doesn't reflect this and surely then the car park should be closed off.
If it was £10 I would pay it but £100 does not make sense, if that charge was justifiable IE their loss was evidential then that is absolutely fine but surely in a free car park their presence is designed to curb abuse, their cameras directly prove we were not abusing the car park as it was empty.
A lot will point to the recent court case where some moron judge said it was justified but even then it is not justifiable in my case because by comparison the nearest council car park becomes non-enforceable after 6pm. They also do not fine people £100 for overstaying if it was before 6pm. I have appealed to ParkingEye on the basis of the above and notified them I will go through POPLA if it is rejected, I also asked to see details of the contract with the landowner..
Naturally it has been just over a month or more since I appealed and I have heard nothing. Do they have a time limit to reply?