Parking Fine - despite paying for parking

Charity sheild. Just been to Tatton Park with daughter and her pooch, got in 5 minutes before start. Cracked a bottle of Malaga Victoria and was all set to watch us destroy the dirty out of towners. I'd bought a letter in with me that had been posted whilst I was out, so I opened it, literally 2 mins before kick off. BANG!! 170 pound fine from a debt company named Trace debt recovery. I was like WTAF!! It transpires that in May I'd been in the Bullshead public house in Davenham and not filled out a ticket thing near the bar. I'd not even realised that it had these cameras in(been going in for years and not had them) So it ruined my day until Bernardo smashed in the leveller amd we won on pens. I'd not had any letters what so ever and this was first one. So went to the pub and the manager(a lovely helpful young lady) said she'd email them to see what she could do, but wasn't hopeful because it had gone this far. So on Monday, I set about sorting it out, but it was like the enigma code. You couldn't phone them and when you emailed the fuckers it said phone the number which I'd been trying all day. So I sent an email to the general company saying that I'd been speaking to my MP and if there wasn't a fair outcome he'd bring it up in Parliament. Literally 5 mins after I sent it, the girl at the Bull said they'd just phoned back and said they'd stop the 170 if I pay the initial 30 fine. Now, I probably dug my heels in and got it for free because they didn't send the initial letters but 170 to 30 and the stress it had caused I just wanted it fucked off. It seems there are nefarious firms at large doing this kind of shit and the government do fuck all about it.
Edit: The date on the letter said it was posted 10 days ago which gave me Monday and Tuesday before any appeal time ended. Bastards!
Yes I know. And they can and do and win, regularly.

Not meant as anything other than a genuine question. But do you have information that confirms they ‘regularly’ pursue these cases through the courts?

I’ve always been of the understanding that they pursue only extremely isolated cases, for the purpose of using as a deterrent. Most of these invoices that I’ve seen have an example of a successful claim, quoted at the bottom of the page, as proof and a warning that it can happen.

I’ve heard it suggested, albeit anecdotally, that they’ve no interest in routinely pursuing these cases, as the costs involved would be far greater than anything they could hope to realistically claw back through the courts.
Not meant as anything other than a genuine question. But do you have information that confirms they ‘regularly’ pursue these cases through the courts?

I’ve always been of the understanding that they pursue only extremely isolated cases, for the purpose of using as a deterrent. Most of these invoices that I’ve seen have an example of a successful claim, quoted at the bottom of the page, as proof and a warning that it can happen.

I’ve heard it suggested, albeit anecdotally, that they’ve no interest in routinely pursuing these cases, as the costs involved would be far greater than anything they could hope to realistically claw back through the courts.
This site says there are thousands.

This is not legal advice but if it’s a PCN parking charge notice and it’s not from the police, or council it’s unenforceable. Just ignore it. I had one from a Retail Park. I ignored. They sent me loads of threatening letters saying they were taking me to court. It got up to over £600 they were trying to claim from me. I was prepared to go to court over it. Then the letters just stopped. Not heard anything about it for well over a year.
Our family have had lots of these over the years and ignored every single one. These fucking cowboys threaten you with court but rarely turn up even if it ever gets that far. Which it VERY rarely does.

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