Pathetic, I hate them

Barcon said:
Rahart said:
On this forum we have 19 topics on the current front page about the RAGs. Why do we care? Hating them is one thing, all for that. But obsessing over them night and day is actually embarrassing. I couldn't give a shit what they do, or how obsessed they are. 19 topics, and that's just now. We're all giving out about how ridiculous their fans are etc. yet all we're doing on here is moaning about them.

They are a joke yes, they have about a season or two left of domination but they will fall apart when Fergie goes. They will never change, that's what success does to a club it brings the worst out of the bad fans.
Guess what, success brings fans, from across the world. If we are lucky we'll be successful enough to get as many as they do. We pride ourselves on the fact that most of our fans are from Manchester, but you can't have success and not become like United or Chelsea or Barca and get fly ins. It'll happen, it's happened and it will continue to build the better we get. Live with it. Funny thing is it's actually a good thing in a way.

But 19 topics. Seriously, surely there's something better to talk about than them..over and over and again.

I've only read three of them and you'r on them all. ; )

;) Haha. Nice. But to be fair, I think my point in all of them was what's the point of them or why are we obsessing over them.

And 3 is one thing, but fuckin 19. That borderline obsessive. We really need to find something else to talk about.
Rahart said:
Barcon said:
Rahart said:
On this forum we have 19 topics on the current front page about the RAGs. Why do we care? Hating them is one thing, all for that. But obsessing over them night and day is actually embarrassing. I couldn't give a shit what they do, or how obsessed they are. 19 topics, and that's just now. We're all giving out about how ridiculous their fans are etc. yet all we're doing on here is moaning about them.

They are a joke yes, they have about a season or two left of domination but they will fall apart when Fergie goes. They will never change, that's what success does to a club it brings the worst out of the bad fans.
Guess what, success brings fans, from across the world. If we are lucky we'll be successful enough to get as many as they do. We pride ourselves on the fact that most of our fans are from Manchester, but you can't have success and not become like United or Chelsea or Barca and get fly ins. It'll happen, it's happened and it will continue to build the better we get. Live with it. Funny thing is it's actually a good thing in a way.

But 19 topics. Seriously, surely there's something better to talk about than them..over and over and again.

I've only read three of them and you'r on them all. ; )

;) Haha. Nice. But to be fair, I think my point in all of them was what's the point of them or why are we obsessing over them.

And 3 is one thing, but fuckin 19. That borderline obsessive. We really need to find something else to talk about.

I agree mate. I couldn't give two fucks about the vermin.
LoveCity said:
mcfcliam said:
They get more joy out of belittling others than supporting their own team.

Precisely. As an avid user of Twitter, it has been very clear in recent days. Their younger fans are the worst, the older ones not so bad (generally).

The younger ones have grown up knowing nothing but success so have no real character, they don't understand disappointment and can't fathom why we're so joyous and enjoying ourselves. They find it puzzling why we celebrate a "mere" FA Cup win.

Regular success has desensitized them so much that it means very little to them now and they get their jollies from (attempting) taunting us, Liverpool fans, and whoever else. I know many United fans (my dad included and he is a ST holder at the swamp) who are very jaded by the style of new fan the club has now, and not just the camera snappers from afar.

I agree with this, great post.
mcfcliam said:

Sorry for a rag thread but words don't describe how much I hate the arrogant bastards.

They don't actually realize that they obviously had thousands coming from all over for their parade.

Yeah, they have more 'fans' in Manchester as they're a global brand, but we have more hardcore supporters which is what really matters.

They even get 'fans' travelling into Manchester to watch their home games in a pub to sample the 'atmosphere'.

Pathetic bunch of cunts on that forum...I doubt 95% of them have ever been to England and most Reds I know think redcafe is an embarrassment.

Ironically, I think the OP is Irish.

This is one thing that really makes me giggle, I often go with my Mrs into town shopping, going for something to eat and then watch the rags matches in the pub as she's a red.
95% of the accents in there are anything but Mancunian or even Lancastrian, it's mainly Irish, Cockneys, Scouse, Scottish or just generally Southern, but, the funniest thing is, the ones that seem to be local or have a bit of an accent really do, at every opportunity, try to exaggerate the bit of Mancunian accent they have, they`ll stand there and shout " FUCKIN ELL EVROH" and such like and then stand there looking around to see if anyone has noticed they're local (and say things like" Just caaaan't get a ticket mate, fuckin impossible"), priceless.
I've still to work out whether the 95% of the out of towners look at them because they are so loud and obvious or are just trying to work out where their accent is from pmsl, either way, my Mrs finds it and them highly embarrassing and often ends the conversation with " no wonder every f*cker hates us with c*nts like these for fans".
Dirty Harry said:
mcfcliam said:

Sorry for a rag thread but words don't describe how much I hate the arrogant bastards.

They don't actually realize that they obviously had thousands coming from all over for their parade.

Yeah, they have more 'fans' in Manchester as they're a global brand, but we have more hardcore supporters which is what really matters.

They even get 'fans' travelling into Manchester to watch their home games in a pub to sample the 'atmosphere'.

Pathetic bunch of cunts on that forum...I doubt 95% of them have ever been to England and most Reds I know think redcafe is an embarrassment.

Ironically, I think the OP is Irish.

This is one thing that really makes me giggle, I often go with my Mrs into town shopping, going for something to eat and then watch the rags matches in the pub as she's a red.
95% of the accents in there are anything but Mancunian or even Lancastrian, it's mainly Irish, Cockneys, Scouse, Scottish or just generally Southern, but, the funniest thing is, the ones that seem to be local or have a bit of an accent really do, at every opportunity, try to exaggerate the bit of Mancunian accent they have, they`ll stand there and shout " FUCKIN ELL EVROH" and such like and then stand there looking around to see if anyone has noticed they're local (and say things like" Just caaaan't get a ticket mate, fuckin impossible"), priceless.
I've still to work out whether the 95% of the out of towners look at them because they are so loud and obvious or are just trying to work out where their accent is from pmsl, either way, my Mrs finds it and them highly embarrassing and often ends the conversation with " no wonder every f*cker hates us with c*nts like these for fans".

There's nothing wrong with that though. Ever since I moved to the states, I've noticed a handful of Blues. Can they not enjoy City because of their accent?
It's a free(ish) world but the travelling to Manchester from all over the country and watching it in a Manchester city center pub like it actually makes them a more 'worthy' supporter I don't get, (plus most talk bollocks and haven`t got a clue who half the players are) but it's more the fact Rags seem to be of the belief these are actually all local supporters and it means because of it Manchester is red, that's what's really wrong with it.

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