Pensions and the working man:

I'm 53 and have never paid a penny into a pension pot.
I have one and a half houses all paid for, a decent pile of savings and my own business. I've done all the things people hope to do in retirement already, travelled the world, had fun without responsibility and dossed about doing fuck all for days on end. In fact i've 'retired' twice already but uncontrollable circumstances forced me back into work. Currently i'm semi retired and work 3 days a week which will be going down to one day a month next year.
The notion that we should work like dogs before retiring at 60 seems the wrong way round too me. Live your life when you're young, get out, mooch around having fun cos you never know what's around the next corner.

A good post affording equilibrium and thread balance negating the anti that pension funds/annuities are the only way to happiness nirvana or financial stability.I stand by my hypothesis that after the big 70 priorities will change big style for the majority and life's pleasures will err toward general sedateness and a Tortoise like persona.I wait of course with baited breath to hear of the debaucherous tales of someones uncles Albert still crushing grapes at 78 whilst living it leary.

I have participated of a cruise or two and on one of them we went to the Holy Land.The boat was called the Victoria and had a lean to connie with plants and soft music playing and to a man every afternoon A.Romeros Dawn Of The Dead would come to visit sleeping for hours on end.That was their bag and what they like to do.Well actually not what they liked to do but what their bodies commanded of them.Over dinner and hors des overies we discovered the majority were only in their seventies.

And thank you Chippy boy for your one word contribution.Imagine my consternation when I saw you post.
One of the finest geo political minds and financial gurus on our Moons surface and an honour to have broken bread with you lad.
In the fire service they’ve increased the pension age to 60 from 50, you can leave at 55 but lose 20% they know this and they know the maths don’t add up so most people will leave at 55, the government will pocket that 20% off thousands over the next decades. For me if I was a young fireman in my 20s I’d take my £300 a month and buy property, over the next 30 years I’d just expand my portfolio, take out a life insurance policy and then I have control over when I leave. I’m struggling at 49 with the shifts now I can see a lot of funerals of people in the job as they start dropping in their late 50s due to the job. As for the state pension who the fuck can lay roads or build house at 68/70, only someone say behind a desk thinks you can work until then.
A good post affording equilibrium and thread balance negating the anti that pension funds/annuities are the only way to happiness nirvana or financial stability.I stand by my hypothesis that after the big 70 priorities will change big style for the majority and life's pleasures will err toward general sedateness and a Tortoise like persona.I wait of course with baited breath to hear of the debaucherous tales of someones uncles Albert still crushing grapes at 78 whilst living it leary.

I have participated of a cruise or two and on one of them we went to the Holy Land.The boat was called the Victoria and had a lean to connie with plants and soft music playing and to a man every afternoon A.Romeros Dawn Of The Dead would come to visit sleeping for hours on end.That was their bag and what they like to do.Well actually not what they liked to do but what their bodies commanded of them.Over dinner and hors des overies we discovered the majority were only in their seventies.

And thank you Chippy boy for your one word contribution.Imagine my consternation when I saw you post.
One of the finest geo political minds and financial gurus on our Moons surface and an honour to have broken bread with you lad.

Cheers Taxi, i mean Two Gun..
I have 2 frozen final salery pensions got my transfer figures only to find the trustees in one of them have reduced the transfer value by 20% of its 2006 figure really considering taking the money out at least then the cash would be in my control
I have 2 frozen final salery pensions got my transfer figures only to find the trustees in one of them have reduced the transfer value by 20% of its 2006 figure really considering taking the money out at least then the cash would be in my control

You should get annual updates on changes to the scheme, value and how its running that sort of thing. Did you not get them?
You should get annual updates on changes to the scheme, value and how its running that sort of thing. Did you not get them?
Yes but they don't give the transfer out value the estimated pension hasn't altered but should I choose to withdraw my pot that value has decreased
However short, it was correct imo

What was correct ? my limited pension being untenable or not taking up a pension in the early years.
I never advocated that pensions in the long term were a bad idea and merely offered opinion that for me working 32 hours part time with a pension contribution of £165 annually isn't worth my attention or concerted effort and as stated could negate any gateway to top up benefits from the government for which I may or may not be entitled.

Pensions are not the only investment vehicle and some use alternate means for forward planning like Isa's the stock market and housing.Some on the other hand just cannot afford to put anything away on the disgraceful minimum wage of £7.83 but that's a whole new thread for another time.If employers cannot afford to pay employees a reasonable salary then they should not be trading in the first place.I would suggest £10 an hour as most can afford it but just choose to take a bigger slice of the cake for their own fat bellies.

A Labour government shall set this fine country free on the road back to human decency restoring hope where there was suffering and care where there was none,empathy for the less fortunate and looking after the welfare of the many instead of the few.I watched a program recently called Hospital that dealt with the day to day running of our our NHS and the fund managers and surgeons that had to manage a crazed imbalance of who was afforded care and who was not.The conservative government should wake up fast to this disgraceful under-funding and make this health service great once more for all by providing universal healthcare on the basis of need not fiscal policy.If Labour were to get there house in order they would win the next election by an absolute landslide !

To conclude I would say no one is right or wrong and opinions however misguided to some are sacrament to the end user.One mans meat being another mans poison.Whatever plans you have for your future I wish you all well and a have a happy healthy retirement with or without that Superlative Nut Store:
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Cheers Taxi, i mean Two Gun..

The forum has more reincarnations than end users and I have little recollection of the person you mention.If it affords you comfort to call me by that name then I ain't got no beef.Folk in the know round these parts just call me Two Gun.Two Gun Bob and I'd be real pleased hombre if you did the same.
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