Perspective: Pearce - March 2005-May 2007

I totally agree with bluefromleve32. Yes Pearce kept us up but he had enough experience in that team, particularly his first full season, to have done significantly better. Were Charlton, Wigan, Bolton, Boro, Fulham really better than us?

As I've said before, Wardle was advised not to appoint him permanently but didn't listen. Mackintosh hated him and was convinced he would relegate us. One senior source at City told me he was thick as two short planks and his image was entirely manufactured.

The truth is he was a bully and, as I understand it, actively encouraged the English players to form a clique against the foreign, mainly black, French-speaking ones. That's how the Barton/Dabo incident occurred.

Eventually even the normally placid John Wardle lost his patience with him when he took the U21 job part-time without checking with the club first and when we were in serious danger of relegation. But Pearce didn't give a fuck as hewas only interested in furthering his own career. That's not passion.
silverblue said:
Brendan110_0 said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Fucking hell thats brought back some memories lol

Didn't we beat Arsenal 1 - 0 doing that diagonal to Sinclair with a ropey penalty? Terry Henry with a shocker of a game.

The first match I took my lad to. He set us up defensively ok. We just couldn't score from open play, for 2 years solid.

Pearce did his honest best and genuinely cared. The football was mind-numbing to watch but he DID keep us up in difficult times and we wouldn't be where we are now without that, as the OP says, spot on. Who knows what might have happened with anyone else who might have taken that job, with those resources and problems to face, back then? So I could never dislike the man and would give him a cheer if he came back with a visiting team or whatever.

I didn't say I disliked him, but in the end he lost his job because the crowd were voting with their feet.
Yes we didn't have much money, but neither did Everton (or Swansea last season) to name, but two.
I find it amazing that since leaving us he has got himself involved with managing and coaching our so called brightest talents at u21 level. He even managed the England team for one match!

No wonder the national side his fucked with people like him involved.
I remember a journalist doing the biggest hatchet job on Pearce I have ever seen on a manager. It was shortly after he left us i think. Stuff about his arrogance and ignorance. It was strange because he's always been a bit of a sacred cow in the media.

PB touched on his problem a few posts ago. You have to be intelligent to be a good manager. He isn't.

the south stand was miles better then, which makes no sense
The football under Pearce was so painful, I think self-harm would have been a more comfortable option! We didn't score for fuck knows how many months, glad we're not there anymore, god knows how we stayed in the premier league under Pearce because we were shite.
bluebannana said:

the south stand was miles better then, which makes no sense
Was a good day. Should have got a point really. Great atmosphere.

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