Pet dog problem advice please

apple pie corner said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Are you sure you're in the right forum?

Feck me... this is an incredibly heartless bit of advise... should be ashamed of yourself...

Back on topic...

You will make the right decision pal as difficult as it may be. I dread the day...

This thread has upset me :-(

The thread was in the main forum when I typed that. Nothing heartless about it.
Didsbury Dave said:
apple pie corner said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Are you sure you're in the right forum?

Feck me... this is an incredibly heartless bit of advise... should be ashamed of yourself...

Back on topic...

You will make the right decision pal as difficult as it may be. I dread the day...

This thread has upset me :-(

The thread was in the main forum when I typed that. Nothing heartless about it.

I realised it was in wrong forum too late, not heartless at all! Thanks for all your kind words and advice, much appreciated.
Mate I had black lab called Mucker lived until he was 17 and I ended up having him put to sleep, far kinder for him even though hurt me and I was upset for ages over it - still smile thinking of him and have loads of pictures of him - I know you will do the right think for the oul boy
I think you probably know the answer deep down. It's an awful decision to make I know but if she's starting to suffer it's the only thing to do. Thinking of you and her.
Once they are off their eating for long periods you know it's bad. Happened to a few of my dogs now.

You may have to say goodbye if you cannot operate. Give the dog plenty of hugs and then kisses and take some pics if you decide you're gonnaput them to sleep
skyblue78 said:
I have a 17 yr old Border Collie who has a growth in the top part of her mouth and this has made her snout swell on one side. This is also bleeding every day and sometimes blood from her nose as well. I took her to vet and they said they dont know if it's cancer or not and gave me a load of tablets. They cant do an operation cos of her age. Penny has virtually stopped eating now and Ive got another appointment at vets tomorrow. Dont know weather to ask the vet to put her to sleep or not. Some advice please.

Thats a bloody good age for a Border Collie.

Do the best for her and don't let her suffer.

Good luck xx
It always comes back to quality of life. Had to make similar decisions in the past and this was the only thing that kept me sane afterwards.

From the brief info you have posted it would seem the hardest but ultimately the right thing to do.
All you can do is listen to your vet, listen to your heart.

All the best.
Thank you to everyone who offered me advice. I had Penny put to sleep this afternoon as she would have been in pain as cancer had spread.
skyblue78 said:
Thank you to everyone who offered me advice. I had Penny put to sleep this afternoon as she would have been in pain as cancer had spread.

Really sorry to hear that mate.

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