Pet Shop Boys

I like the new song and the video is filmed in the town next to us. Margate use to be a thriving Town back in the 80's now its a shit hole being over running by the arty dfl's.
Glad the video shows the true side of Margate dereliction and not the Margate the arty dfl's like.
I may be incorrect here but....

On radio two today they said that Tennant was 9 in 1963..... that makes him 70 years (or nearly 70 years).

Wow, just wow. I'm 63 and thought he was younger than me...... unbelievable!
I may be incorrect here but....

On radio two today they said that Tennant was 9 in 1963..... that makes him 70 years (or nearly 70 years).

Wow, just wow. I'm 63 and thought he was younger than me...... unbelievable!
he's 69 I believe and still got the voice, unlike some other old codgers milking their back catalogue.
how was the Arena?
I never really appreciated the music but in the last few years The Pet Shop Boys and others like A Flock Of Seagulls and Depache Mode have made my hit list.
I saw them with New Order here in SF last year and while I’ve seen NO a dozen times I’d never seen PSB and they were just fantastic. You are all correct about Tennant’s voice — I was amazed it was so strong, especially compared to Barney’s which hasn’t ever been great (not that it matters to me). Played every hit, great visuals, excellent backing musicians. All I could have asked for was “Absolutely Fabulous.”
I saw them with New Order here in SF last year and while I’ve seen NO a dozen times I’d never seen PSB and they were just fantastic. You are all correct about Tennant’s voice — I was amazed it was so strong, especially compared to Barney’s which hasn’t ever been great (not that it matters to me). Played every hit, great visuals, excellent backing musicians. All I could have asked for was “Absolutely Fabulous.”
I've watched a few vids after people saying his voice got better and stronger live and I think I know why.
First of all, Neil's voice is often clearly "double-tracked". Don't get me wrong - he is not lip-syncing (at least I don't think he is). Rather, he seems to be singing over a recorded projection of his own voice, if you know what I mean. 60% of what we hear is his own actual live singing, but 40% is a near-perfect pre-recorded track running in the background. They do not apply this effect for the entire length of a song, but rather during certain parts of a song where they think it is necessary, for example during the "la la la la" part of "The last to die":
You can first hear the projected voice in the background kick in on some vids, and a couple of seconds later Neil starts singing over this recording of his own voice.
Caught some of their set at V Festival back in around 2009/2010 and they absolutely smashed it.

It's a bit mad seeing all these comments about how good Neil's voice is (which it is of course). I remember back in the mid-late 80s when they first broke through that they never did live gigs. It was all a bit of a mystery why they didn't tour but the theory doing the rounds at the time was that Neil's voice was too weak to pull off a live show, yet here he is three and half decades later completely nailing it!

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