pete boil offered out on red issue

His X fucked him off & hooked up with one of his old drinkin buddies, funny as fuck...
milo said:
His X fucked him off & hooked up with one of his old drinkin buddies, funny as fuck...
Ha! So while he was grunting, drooling and bouncing on a pub table like a chimpanzee for the entertainment of tourists who may subsequently deign to throw a few farthings into the pauper's cap, his missus was at home biting the pillow as she was getting back-scuttled by one of his best mates.
PMSL!!!! Fucking classic, it just gets funnier!!!
That's the problem with women, they just don't understand musical genius....
Maybe he should write a song about it.
Boily isn't a hard man, he's soft as fuck.

Our kid offered him out a few years ago when the Glazers took over at Stretford Rangers.
He was at some rag doo where a bunch of rags met up to discuss what course of action to take against the yanks.
Apparantly Boil stood up in the middle of the room like the attention seeking **** he his and announced he wasn't giving up his ST.
Our kid said he didn't have a problem with that but he heard the fat shit telling his mate that he made too much money selling cds to paddys to just give it all up, the greasy **** then stood outside trying to flog his cds to lads coming out after the meeting.

The fat blobalike got on his toes when our kid came out and squared up to him.

The rags hate the fucker more than we do.
blue cigar said:
superb stuff from the self styled top yernytid fan. some bloke has taken offence to the tosser working for mutv and taking glazers money and offered to meet him in town next week to sort it....cue all the other mongs trying to calm the situation.."on this day of all days..." always made me smile have the cockneys.i know its not everyones cup of tea but its entertaining to see him getting ragged to fuk by his fellow gimps.
no link,i cant be arsed.

is pete boil related to susan boil? (fat bird off the xfactor for those with a life)

she's refered to as subo, so this rag twat should be called...

.... cuntface.
lev_yashin said:
BTH said:

Is that a bum bag he's wearing over his crotch? This is embarrassing at best.
That's to store all the coin handed to him by the retarded cunts that go in the pub to watch the babboon dance.

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