Pete Burns

I quite liked him, outspoken at times and wasn't afraid to speak his mind, plus 'Youthquake' was a great (and underrated ) album of its day, R.I.P.
Good post H,respectful.

He obviously had many issues but he was certainly a character and very watchable.
Sad to hear. Such a good looking guy prior to all his surgeries. An acid tongue at times but I liked him, especially his sense of humour and wit.
That's why I don't get why he had all that crap done!
I was walking in some London street a few years back and there were loads of outside tables and he was sat with a group having a fag and something to eat and he looked a right state, a bit like Michael Jackson in once he started he just couldn't stop going for the perfect look.... :(
I hadn't noticed

That's even fucking worse. According to people in the know, i.e famous pop queens from the 80's like George and Marilyn, he was a musical genius who the likes of we will not see again. Never. EVER. Now take that back you git or I'll throw a hissy fit and rearrange my own face with a blunt spoon and some chicken bones I found in the bin.

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