Phil Woolas MP

Chris Mac said:
Not any more !!!!!!!!!!! Good riddance to bad rubbish. In my opinion all politicians are bent and this one has been found out big time. Adios, Arrivederci, Auf Wiedersehn............f**k off !

My ex MP.... minister for Immigration.... Voted against the expenses fiddlers being made public (he was one of them)...

Not all politicians are bent. I've worked along with quite a few and the amount of hours and work they put in is astonishing.

However, Phil 'the dirty rag' woolas certainly wasn't one of these. The leaflets that he distributed, which I have seen, were an absolute disgrace with the purpose of stirring up racial hatred.

Good riddance to the low life.
Along with many other dodgy things he's done over the years the Gurkha situation was by far the most underhanded. I nearly pissed myself when the news came through yesterday that he'd lost the case. Like all scum he is now appealing with a Judicial Review...however the Labour Party don't want anything to do with any appeals and have effectively washed their hands of it. Shows how much his colleagues think of him.
Odious man, glad he's lost. The by election will be interesting though, the lib dems might've fucked it because of the coalition so I can see the new Labour candidate getting in.

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