Buildings were filthy weren’t they? Look at the University now compared to in that link:
Just shows what a bit of cleaning up and modernising can do.
There’s a link at the bottom to 99 1960s phtos n’all. Some of the Hulme clearance pics are a shame to see.
Back when it looked like this:
all that needed to happen was for the buildings to be modernised. There are many good examples of Victorian terraced houses in Altrincham and Sale, houses just as old as those in Hulme and Moss Side that were pulled down, called “slums”, when they weren’t. (My Mother’s on Russell St in Moss Side being one).
The city is a hotch potch of shit houses now, such a shame.
Same for all the old mills as well. Dozens upon dozens should have just been modernised, not pulled down.
The city would be much better with more of the old terraces and mills still here than not.