Do you contend that agriculture , horticulture , transportation , manufacturing and more importantly China , India and other emerging economies required to reduce poverty , starvation etc don't contribute to the greenhouse effect?
What damage is being done to the environment , to flora and fauna to power every country by wind and solar and hydrogen or hydro?
why should I have to pay 3 maybe four times the price I now pay for electricity to subsidise wind and solar.
80 percent of Australians electricity is generated by coal and oil and gas and we cannot even get the best , cheapest and most reliable form of green house free energy generation namely nuclear off the legislation mandate.
2.800k jobs will go in oz if we make the fruitless attempt to go Co2 neutral by 2050 and replaced with nothing but a few jobs required to install and replace failed turbines and solar panels which need lots more CO2 generation to make them in the first place.
If you want to live in Dallas Texas to give you just one example that lost plenty of lives recently not through Covid but because their renewables collapsed due to freezing temperatures which will become the norm each winter be my guest.
in SA the lights wouldn't go on when the wind doesn't blow without a pipeline to gas.
ok lets burn wax again you say.
If you know anything about science and "fact" nothing can be proven my man only something can be disproven.
I cannot prove 2 plus 2 equals 4 you just have to accept that under the commutive law of addition it is.
You don't have to trust any conclusion it matters to nobody other than yourself perhaps that you do or don't.
I care more about jobs and livelihoods and what happens to them than others who are not impacted by decisions made by government and corporates who only have a profit agenda to serve by running an agenda that is nothing but self serving.
Oh dear
yes all the things you list do add to greenhouse gasses, however china, india and most emerging nations are moving to renewables. Its a straw man argument
Any damage being done to the environment by renewables is generally localised and limited compared to the damage of CO2 released by burning fossil fuels. I know you dont believe that but it doesnt stop it being true
You will not have to pay 3 times for electricty generated by renewables. That is just untrue.
as is your statement about renewables being more environmentally damaging than fossil fuels.
There will be not net loss of jobs down under if you change to renewables. Thats just an untrue statement, unless you think Oz will produce zero turbines and zero solar panels, in which case maybe.
The statement about dallas texaseagain is just untrue. While some frozen wind turbines did reduce power output slightly the majority of the failure of the system was because of frozen natural gas wells which then dont produce gas for power stations and frozen coal piles which could not then be crushed to powder to feed the power stations.
what you say about SA is currently true but storage solutions are being developed, off the top of my head I can say compressed air, batteries and Hydrogen are all very nearly developed and should be on line in the next 5 to 10 years.
I would never say lets burn wax
I think working as a scientist for 10 years and then working with scientists for a further 20 years, I think I know a little bit about science. In the absolute sense actually nothing can be proven or disproven. However in a scientific sense scientific theories make predictions and these are tested by experimentation and observation. If the results of the experimentation and observations match the predictions then something is true until the predictions stop being accurate. That works for for both positive and negative predictions.
You can easily prove two plus two equals four by experimentation. Take two apples, then take another two apples, count how many apples you have. Repeat the experiment until you have a statistically significant number of results.
I care very much what happens to individuals and their livelihood, thats why i dont want the world t lose its arable land and lots of people starve to death. There is no point getting them better jobs today that knacker the planet so that they to let them tomorrow. What you need to do is get them better jobs and a better life today that dont knacker the planet and they can then still those lives tomorrow
I know you dont believe it but the observations of the climate are in line with and therefore provide evidence of global warming and releasing CO2 causes a greenhouse effect. Mans activity is the major contributor to increasing CO2 levels. The data and observations of scientist and the analysis of this data by the vast majority of scientists support this view