PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

As I understand it, besides the chairman of Uefa's Club Financial Control Panel(Jean-Luc Dehaene) saying: "I have some questions" a month after the major Etihad deal began. UEFA have never officially tried to make the accusation that it was overvalued. No official charges ever brought forward for that to my knowledge.

UEFA have a list of approved auditors, how many I'm not sure. The problem was, for a long time, all the information we had about that, was the lowest valuation. After it was leaked on social media, I assume(how typical is that?). Until we saw this in the CAS report:

View attachment 81044
As you can see, it says these were the CFCB's own valuations. CAS were clear on how they felt about that too:

View attachment 81045
Contrast this with the case against PSG which was ongoing at the same time. PSG valued the ‘world wide branding’ of their agreement with Qatar Airways at some ludicrous figure (70m?) but UEFA referred this to an expert company who came back with 5m euros iirc. That would have put PSG in the ffp shit, but luckily the brilliant M. Leterme rejected this and valued it at 100m euros. When the chair of the Adjudicatory Chamber found out, he appealed to CAS (!) who said Nope, not our jurisdiction.
NOTE: It occurs to me that with CAS having ruled in our favour on many of the same issues, we could, in a different context, plead ‘autrefois acquit’ (tried and acquitted previously). That comes from criminal law and is not applicable here. Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how much our legal team bring CAS findings into their argument.
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This is where the PL is on dodgy ground. Interfering with such a freely negotiated contract would not be sympathetically viewed by a court, especially when the party who is paying says it’s great value.

Something is worth what somebody values it at. On our last game at Maine Road I paid £150 for a ticket. Shit game and pretty average end of match entertainment but I had to be there because it had been a huge part of my life and I'd never be there or see it again. Some people said I was mad paying so much but for me it was worth every penny.

Whoever has sponsored us has had terrific value for money given our success. They were given a vision, saw the potential and thought, "I'm having some of that." They are clutching at straws.
Something is worth what somebody values it at. On our last game at Maine Road I paid £150 for a ticket. Shit game and pretty average end of match entertainment but I had to be there because it had been a huge part of my life and I'd never be there or see it again. Some people said I was mad paying so much but for me it was worth every penny.

Whoever has sponsored us has had terrific value for money given our success. They were given a vision, saw the potential and thought, "I'm having some of that." They are clutching at straws.
City did not vote in favour of the new PL rules as the advice we had received indicated that the rules were illicit and unenforceable. I assume that sponsorship value rules was part of our objection.
City did not vote in favour of the new PL rules as the advice we had received indicated that the rules were illicit and unenforceable. I assume that sponsorship value rules was part of our objection.

Of course not we'd have been mad to vote for them. It would be like a lottery winner voting for rules that said, "You've won the lottery but you can only spend what you earn in McDonald's every year." Okay a far out analogy but you get the gist. What should be happening is the fans of club's who did vote for it, particularly the ones who might have attracted huge investment, should be up in arms their chairman did. The whole shitshow has been a failure anyway. I think more clubs have gone bust since it came in than before, or it seems that way, so it achieved fuck all except to be used by jealous clubs, the media and fans as a stick to beat us with.
City did not vote in favour of the new PL rules as the advice we had received indicated that the rules were illicit and unenforceable. I assume that sponsorship value rules was part of our objection.
Presumably they meant in a normal Court of Law?
This is where the PL is on dodgy ground. Interfering with such a freely negotiated contract would not be sympathetically viewed by a court, especially when the party who is paying says it’s great value.
As I understand it, CAS determined that Etihad is not a related party? (An easy determination to make, since there are objective tests as to whether a party is related or not.)

If that is indeed the case, then Etihad as an unrelated party pays what it likes and that is by definition is fair value, i.e. A sponsorship deal is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it, and provided they are an unrelated party, whatever they are prepared to pay, is fair value. We could get a sponsorship deal from Elon Musk for £10bn a year and that would be fair value, if Musk was daft enough to pay it.

Bottom line is, provided Etihad is deemed a non-related party, they can pay us what on earth they like and there is fuck all the PL or anyone else can do about it.
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100% the premier league will have to make at least one charge stick , they would look fools otherwise , the non-co-operation is the favourite which is all the media and the feral hate filled plastic fans around the world need.
We will be branded cheats
I agree with you that the non-cooperation charge is a likely outcome. It fulfils the prime objective of labelling us as cheats, and therefore our achievements invalid. Since the layman who knows no different will simply assume that we were guilty of all charges and only got off by not cooperating. The same as getting off because things are time-barred, people just think, "Yeah but that's a technicality, obviously they are guilty really".

And whilst a correspondingly minor financial penalty (i.e. fine) from the PL might not be significant, the damage to our reputation and ability to secure more lucrative sponsorships, would be. The PL will have achieved its aims of damaging us.

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