PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Was about to say the same.

No word of a lie, the missus has got the radio, fucking Hits Radio or something - the newsreader was speaking about Everton and in the next breath “it’s put Manchester City’s 115 charges back in the spotlight”.

They just can't help themselves, BBC, Sly News and the rest of the pathetic cunts.
Is there a complete list of the 100+ allegations against city. Like a full list?
I’ve started a list…
All this because our IT people never ran a 'What happens if a thick **** clicks on a link' scenario.

What happened was that a thick **** clicked on a link and a nobody from Portugal was able to dump our entire email server of UNENCRYPTED mails. I reckon I could have done it with my tablet if I could be bothered to install Kali Nethunter on it. This wasn't a state level hack with numerous experts on it.
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She made a statement an hour ago calling for Everton's points deduction to be stayed, & for the urgent introduction of an independent regulator.

Evidently this shocking decision isn't sitting well with politicians. I suspect the government will be forced to treat football clubs as they do all other businesses.

This is the fear UEFA had with the threat of FFP being challenged in the courts. Why should a football business be treated differently to a construction company?
spot on mate, i've always said this, football seem to think can operate differently to any other business
Wow this thread grew mighty fast.

I think we need the dodgy league to hand us another 100/200 charges so we can kick the can down the road into the never never land.

Everton need to worry about themselves and not cast aspiration our way. As for the baying ignorant mob well let’s just say most have failed to evolve despite having opposable thumbs to stick up their bias ass.

City have really got up the red cunts nose big time. No one is even talking about Everton. The clubs looking compensation should have played better on the field and have no grounds for being run poorly because Everton overspent a competition stifling rule.

I wouldn’t hold out much hope that a government regulator will do much good with the useless bastards in charge but still dodgy Dave is back so maybe that is who mansour can target to bribe this time? -:)

Take our sponsors? Sure I thought we didn’t have anyway and Mansour was paying out of his own pocket? Can’t have it both ways!

The glamour for us is nothing but jealous fans not accepting the change before their eyes.

What is nitwit?
I know what you mean but disagree. When our owners started to transform the club and demonstrate our business model was working, Arsenal, United and Liverpool had a choice. They could either copy us or try to stop us moving forward with the plan.

Thank God they chose the latter. At the time there were quite a few sports economic papers published pointing this out. Even better they had multiple time periods to review their failed decision and turn back. There was a tipping point about 5 years ago where it was their last chance to catch and then overtake City using their historical popularity to their advantage, and all three carried on down the road to nowhere refusing to invest in their own clubs.

We are now the strongest football club in the World both on and off the pitch.There is no reputational damage at all except in fans heads and the press. The Club, in the time this has been going on, has won 17 major trophies has the highest revenue in football and is the biggest brand overtaking Real Madrid and Barcelona. City are now expanding the area around the stadium in addition to the stadium itself. They own or have a controlling Interest in 13 clubs around the World. Contrast those huge achievements with the clubs that tried to stop us…how have they got on? Did it work?

The red clubs have put enormous effort into trying to stop us and, at the same time, have slipped further and further behind until they are now too late.

So what is left? Surely the supporters of those clubs would be furious at their own club? Well one set is but the others….not so much. What can they do to distract people from their abject failure to tackle City correctly when they had the chance?

The answer is to create a situation whereby fans believe huge reputational damage has been done to City from which they will ultimately never recover. “We called them cheats, we said they had no history, we said nasty owners” It didn’t cost them a penny.

It’s a shame that some of our own fans believe we are losing an important battle but it doesn’t make any difference. City decided to be “best in class” in all areas and it’s worked quicker than they expected because nobody effectively challenged them In the way they thought. Jesus…Khaldoon even told them at one point “we are not responsible for your failures” and “just accept we are here” He was basically saying if you don’t like it copy us If you think you are losing out.

City fans often say why don’t the club sue this person or that person for lying…not a warning, actually do it. The reason they don’t is because City will not get involved in battles that do not matter to them. They focus on the plan and move forward, ever evolving.

City will never tell its own fans not to get upset about the press, they will hope they notice that it hasn’t worked and enjoy the success but, in the end, even that doesn’t matter to them either, it’s not their job.

People will believe what they want to believe but the facts are what matter. City have played it beautifully.

As for the other clubs well they should thank their lucky stars football has loyal customers. In any other businesses their boards would have been fired by the shareholders years ago for failing to respond to the challenge and instead claiming victory by way of reuputational damage while their clubs sank without trace.

It doesn’t look like a big win for them because it isn’t, quite the opposite in fact.

So in other words we are a big fucking bulldozer that is gonna keep on moving and if anyone else wants to get a bulldozer then crack on soon as even though they go slow there is some catching up to do! Love it all this me, they rested on their laurels, have yanks in charge that care nothing more about anything than money, but as in our case you can make plenty money by being successful and quite frankly the very best, this must hurt all other supporters very badly, at every level

I always said I was blessed to be a blue, and boy it is showing it in droves now

Now where’s that book I bought on the guide to non league grounds again…..:)
Today's judgement may be a turning point in the story of the PL. Not only because we may see the advent of an independent regulator very quickly but because today's developments may have shown PL clubs that the "profit and sustainability" regulations are not aimed uniquely at Manchester City but at any club, either at the top or bottom which may sometime in the future pose a threat. As Tolmie has posted, the number of clubs hostile to the present financial regulations is enough to prevent the cartel introducing any "refinements" but the number of clubs seriously concerned - both at the opaque process and the savagery of punishment - must be growing. There may be much wider support for an independent regulator and we may see the emergence of a group of clubs, even the necessary majority, to scrap this nonsense altogether.

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