PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

fag packet analysis, I think Forest are only a couple of million over the threshold so max 6 points deduction there's a decent chance of them arguing about the player sale a month past the June date though, personally I'd say fine but that sale can't be included in next years financials, I doubt the cunts at the premier league will see it like that.

Everton are fucked though can't see them overturning the rolling £20 million loss for next season never mind this season. So it's another 10 points maybe more deduction and the same again next season for them but they'll be in the Chamionship by then.

Absolutely ridiculous stuff this, heads need to role at the premier league
The problem now is if clubs voted to abandon these rules I can't see them getting anywhere near 14 clubs voting for it. you'll get the top 6 voting to keep it and you'll also get the bottom 5 voting to keep it as well to drag other teams into a battle for survival. What a shit state of affairs
It's baffling. This was brought in to 'so call' protect clubs from going under. But what do they do with clubs that are struggling financially? Fucking hit em with big fines and points reduction. If Everton go down how much is it going to cost them? Could potentially send them to the wall. But no, the bastions of football know best.
It's baffling. This was brought in to 'so call' protect clubs from going under. But what do they do with clubs that are struggling financially? Fucking hit em with big fines and points reduction. If Everton go down how much is it going to cost them? Could potentially send them to the wall. But no, the bastions of football know best.
The powers that be seem determined to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Its madness.
Ok boomer.
The vast majority of people shouting, whingeing and carrying on with themselves about this and all the rest of the made up 'culture war' nonsense in the papers are late 50+ morons who believe everything MAGAFAN45, No_vaxx69 and the like post on Facebook, you know, the kind of people who need a safe space when they see people living their lives differently than they do while telling people only their generation is right on everything even when they're getting scammed left, right and centre because they have no critical thinking skills or media literacy.
It's almost as if there's people of all ages, gender, race and religion who are morons and some who are sound and that what you put in your post and I in mine is puerile nonsense that just drives a wedge between people when if we just had a bit more of an open mind, actually listened to each other, accepted we don't know everything about everything and agreed that people can have different opinions and both still be right we could all grow as a species together.
Or, you know, carry on with the classic 'back in my day' and 'young people nowadays' routine that I'm sure we all remember fondly from our youth.
Back in my day, folks used sentences & paragraphs properly ;)
i do think the penny is starting to drop with some opposition fans. I met Geordies before and after the game on Saturday in the pub and on the train and they were all great. They have seen the FFP farce in all its true colours. They all appeared to have a deep hatred of Arsenal (because of diving and time-wasting); United (because they lead the cartel); and Liverpool (because the scouse fanbase causes trouble everytime they play Newcastle apparently).
Newcastle & apparently really not required there.

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