PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Think its time City took this clown to court and forced a court decision of cease and desist upon him:

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Totally absurd comments posted at 1am. FFP rules didn't even apply till 2013 so any club could do as much "accelerated investment" as they wanted in 2010. That is just sound business practice. Chelsea, United, Real Madrid, Barcelona had been doing "accelerated investment" for decades.
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They know it already, but it doesn't generate the clicks.
You know, I’m really not sure they DO know because their narrative is just what is being circulated in social media - &, come on , they don’t exactly come across as being very bright
To be fair to him, I think the 2014 investigation and settlement was largely about the ability the club had to increase sponsorship revenue from the UAE effectively as required and, when that wasn't sufficient, the creative accounting around intangible assets, both of which, I suppose, could be called accelerated investment, or even, colloquially, "cooking the books". Various paranoid and xenophobic players around UEFA were worried about City's rise and were determined to stop it, though. Hence the late change to wage deductions to ensure the club failed FFP and the settlement-imposed restrictions on the share of sponsorship the club could take from the UAE and the effective reversal of the IA sales (iirc) as well as the fine and squad limitations.

That was my take on it at the time, at least.
My recollection was that the punishment was for failing FFP, which City’s books didn’t attempt to conceal. The change in allowable pre-FFP wages which UEFA applied retrospectively meant we couldn’t avoid being penalised for this.
Last time I made this point about Nick Harris my post was deleted, but here goes.

I sympathise with anyone who suffers a bereavement but I’ve never understood the notion that it gives him a free pass to relentlessly attack our club, call us cheats, accuse us of being criminals and basically call for our abolition.

Bereavement is horrendous but it is something that sadly, and inevitably, we all experience.
Last time I made this point about Nick Harris my post was deleted, but here goes.

I sympathise with anyone who suffers a bereavement but I’ve never understood the notion that it gives him a free pass to relentlessly attack our club, call us cheats, accuse us of being criminals and basically call for our abolition.

Bereavement is horrendous but it is something that sadly, and inevitably, we all experience.
There is no point City taking action against Harris because: it would cost us money; he would get the sympathy vote; and we could actually send him over the edge. Any legal action should be confined to the big Media organisations who have deep pockets and are worth suing. The BBC, the Daily Mail, and the Guardian, would be a good starting point. We have got bigger fish to fry.
Last time I made this point about Nick Harris my post was deleted, but here goes.

I sympathise with anyone who suffers a bereavement but I’ve never understood the notion that it gives him a free pass to relentlessly attack our club, call us cheats, accuse us of being criminals and basically call for our abolition.

Bereavement is horrendous but it is something that sadly, and inevitably, we all experience.
Last time I made this point about Nick Harris my post was deleted, but here goes.

I sympathise with anyone who suffers a bereavement but I’ve never understood the notion that it gives him a free pass to relentlessly attack our club, call us cheats, accuse us of being criminals and basically call for our abolition.

Bereavement is horrendous but it is something that sadly, and inevitably, we all experience.
From the ice-age to the dole-age
There is but one concern
I have just discovered
Some Mods are bigger than others.

You are however correct.

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