PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Middle English geten, from Old Norse geta, and is related to Old English gietan. In British English, gotten was the preferred form some centuries ago. But, then around the 1600s, the standard form shifted to got – though gotten does appear in some British English dialects.
You're welcome.
1600’s you say?! Give it another 200 years then and the truncated version might finally reach the West Country! Ooo-fucking-arrrr!
Middle English geten, from Old Norse geta, and is related to Old English gietan. In British English, gotten was the preferred form some centuries ago. But, then around the 1600s, the standard form shifted to got – though gotten does appear in some British English dialects.
You're welcome.
Many words that people think are Americanisms are in fact British but we have changed while American English has kept the old form. I give you “soccer”, late C19th public schools as opposed to “rugger”. The “our” ending as in colour superseded the “or” in English but not in American English.
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a second opinion
Defamation is when someone makes a comment or statement about someone else that is unfair, untrue and likely to harm their reputation or character. Read more general information about defamation, libel and slander here.

Libel and slander are sub-types of defamation. Libel concerns defamatory statements that are permanent. On social media, this could range from a tweet on Twitter to a YouTube video.

Slander is when someone talks about someone else in a defamatory way. Arguably, you cannot slander someone over social media because comments made online are permanent and classed as publications. Even ‘temporary’ social media content, such as Instagram stories, can be preserved and distributed

It is libel. Honestly, who cares anyway.
You heard anything yourself Ric? I'm not disputing that FB post but I'm still erring on the side of caution as I always expected the hearing to at least take place even if we're completely innocent of any wrongdoing. There was a snippet from @Manchester33 a few weeks back where he'd heard something very positive from his source within the club so hopefully this is a further extension of that.
No, not heard anything mate. I was fortunate to meet a very senior CFG board member recently, but it didn't feel appropriate to be quizzing him about the case. With hindsight I wish I had though.

Agree with what others have said about how the mood music seems to have changed in our favour recently, and still expect us to ultimately be cleared, but think there's a while to go yet before we reach that stage.
I was fortunate to meet a very senior CFG board member recently, but it didn't feel appropriate to be quizzing him about the case. With hindsight I wish I had though.

Hmmm. So what DID you quiz him over?
a second opinion
Defamation is when someone makes a comment or statement about someone else that is unfair, untrue and likely to harm their reputation or character. Read more general information about defamation, libel and slander here.

Libel and slander are sub-types of defamation. Libel concerns defamatory statements that are permanent. On social media, this could range from a tweet on Twitter to a YouTube video.

Slander is when someone talks about someone else in a defamatory way. Arguably, you cannot slander someone over social media because comments made online are permanent and classed as publications. Even ‘temporary’ social media content, such as Instagram stories, can be preserved and distributed

Defamation is absolutely fine as long as it is provably true. In fact it used to be a pillar of journalism in this country.

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