PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What would people guess as to the result of the two cases?

My guess would be

City fail to prove this first case
The PL fail to prove 115

The lawyers hire an island and have a big party even though nothing has materially changed from before the time the cases were brought.
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But how could any party prove these emails/txt message exist?

Forensic specialists will be able to see if there has been unusual activity I.e. huge volumes of deleted messages on specific days. Moreover, emails involve more than one party so discrepancies in who produces what may be important. Close scrutiny will uncover a great deal as well. You received an email asking for info. But there’s no record of your reply…. Where is your reply. Just deleting isn’t a complete answer.
Forensic specialists will be able to see if there has been unusual activity I.e. huge volumes of deleted messages on specific days. Moreover, emails involve more than one party so discrepancies in who produces what may be important. Close scrutiny will uncover a great deal as well. You received an email asking for info. But there’s no record of your reply…. Where is your reply. Just deleting isn’t a complete answer.
I would love to see a raid on the PL HQ and lift all there computer's
The big positive for me is that things are obviously happening behind the scenes, it isnt a case that everything is mothballed until November. Why after all this time are the IC suddenly requesting these communications from the PL?

I am hoping this has something to do the IC having concerns about a witch hunt against the club, I cant see this being anything about the accounts submitted per say, however if we can show there has been a targeted movement of the rules to hamper our development then it has to help our case. Likewise it could be that they are looking for evidence in how the Red top shite have pressured the PL into these actions.

Who knows but it is certainly perking my interest.

I am not sure whether there being a witch hunt against the club at all affects the substance of the PL's case against City. The allegations are effectively that the club fraudulently filed incorrect accounts and did some other stuff against PL financial rules. Not sure how there being a witch hunt or not is relevant. The club either did those things or they didn't irrespective of whether there was a witch hunt or not.

But if we like conspiracy theories, how about this one:

The club knows there has been some correspondence between the PL and a club that, for example, the PL has insufficient evidence to prove the most serious of the 115 allegations, but they are going ahead anyway because that is what the other club wants. The club don't want to disclose the provenance of the correspondence (for one reason or another ;) ) but they want to raise it with the panel.

What does the club do? It counter-claims on an issue that will require the PL to disclose all its correspondence. They can identify all the incriminating documents in that case, and, once documents have been submitted in one, they can use them in the other. If the PL doesn't disclose the correspondence the club knows about, they are in bigger trouble. Win-win.

I like a good conspiracy theory, me :)
Makes me wonder what Khaldoon did to so utterly convince Pep that we were right and clean, that Pep came put and backed us so vehemently.

He must have shown him some absolutely clear and damning evidence that we already had, ready to unpack at the right time..

The only possible doubt around which would be if we had made it up, like for example cutting amd pasting out of context pieces of what people had said...hence that statement about trust from Pep...

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