PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

True. One small aspect still causes me a touch of concern. CAS did clear us, great, but as those still circling snidely point out some of that was because some issues became time expired. Unlike in this open ended prem witch hunt. Am happy to be corrected.

A couple of things.

First, do those circling ever mention what was actually time-barred at CAS? Because the only things that were time-barred were Etisalat and one of three years for which UEFA alleged disguised equity funding of the Etihad sponsorship.

For Etisalat the club put forward a compelling explanation in their submission to CAS, which I am quite happy to accept as reasonable.

For Etihad, the allegations weren't proven for the two years that weren't time-barred, so there is no reason to believe they would have been in the one time-barred year.

Basically, the time-barring argument is bollocks.

Second, there is time limitation in the PL case against the club. Although this is something those circling refuse to accept by putting fingers in their ears. Actually, the PL needs to show deliberate concealment to look at anything before 2017. I am pretty sure they won't be able to do that with Mancini, although they may have a better case on player payments (we don't have enough information on that to judge, really). For Etihad and Etisalat, if the allegations are the same as UEFA's charges you can expect the same outcome unless the PL has something really incriminating. Which I think is very unlikely.

I think all that is (reasonably) accurate.
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Not disputing what you say but I’m puzzled as to how City can think this when according to the media and PL the actual hearing, which is scheduled to last for some weeks, has’nt started.

The club's legal eagles (used just to annoy @petrusha) will have seen details of the PL's evidence and hopefully they will understand the club's counter-evidence, so they are certainly in a position to assess each party's likely chances of success.

As always, though, pre-judging legal outcomes is a fool's game. Which is why I am happy to make predictions :)
OK, the thread starts by quoting slbsn saying no one should be certain about the outcome of any legal case …….

City claim to have irrefutable evidence to support their case …… I believe them ….

I give an example of a case I was involved in where I thought (and still do) that the evidence in favour of the defence was irrefutable but for probably emotional / humane reasons the magistrate gave a verdict that defied the facts of the case.

After some questioning by Kinkys Left Foot I give an example of another case where I think the prominence of media attention may have swayed the verdict, despite evidence to the contrary.

The details may be complex but I think the message in relation to City’s position and this thread is fairly clear.

I enjoyed your little diversion. Made me hungry for some good sausages which are hard to find out here, though.
Not sure myself, but it's put me right off sausages.
Never.. I may have been (mostly) vegetarian for the past 30+ years (ever since my youngest daughter saw 'Babe' at age eight and instantly gave up meat..) but as Charlton Heston (sort of) put it, I can assure you that you will only ever prise my bacon butty or my sausage'n'mayo bap from my cold, dead hand..
This is part of the fun of this forum, where you can go from the legal and international tax implications of image rights payments, to cadmium-coated bolts in sausages within a few posts.
In my experience, once you get the cadmium plating brigade involved in any discussion, it's the slipperiest of slopes down into communications anarchy..

(NB 'Cassandra'.. loved your analogy and [I think!] I got the gist of your original point.. As 'PB' says, such comments add to the fun and richness of this forum.. it's why I never read the sports press any more; I get all I need from the good folk on here!)
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Not disputing what you say but I’m puzzled as to how City can think this when according to the media and PL the actual hearing, which is scheduled to last for some weeks, has’nt started.

Both sides will be fully aware of all the evidence and the strength of each side’s case.

The court bundles that contain all this will be ready so both sides have everything that will be considered in the hearing.

Legal conferences will have taken place whereby some of the issues may well have already been dropped (due to lack of a realistic chance of being provable).

City will have a very good idea of how things will pan out.
Both sides will be fully aware of all the evidence and the strength of each side’s case.

The court bundles that contain all this will be ready so both sides have everything that will be considered in the hearing.

Legal conferences will have taken place whereby some of the issues may well have already been dropped (due to lack of a realistic chance of being provable).

City will have a very good idea of how things will pan out.

There’s also been some suggestion that the PL made some noises about exploring a settlement (strong rumour around the media a few months ago) which allegedly City dismissed out of hand. There’s no way of knowing if that is accurate but, if it were it’s not indicative of the PL having a strong hand.

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