Maybe this is issue - been bubbling for a while. Credit Wiki for detail.
Just shows how potentially complicated all of this is! Much easier when a bloke who sold and rented telly’s was the main man!
And look at the final sentence. Not like the Yanks or even us stoic Brits have a history of repressive activity and espionage!!!
“As of 2023, Etisalat owns a stake of 14.6% in
Vodafone Group one of Europe's largest telecommunication groups.In 2024, the British government warned that e&’s association with Vodafone poses a national security risk.
Robert Buckland and
Oliver Dowden also urged for measures to address national security concerns. They also asked for the establishment of an independent committee to monitor the risks associated with the stake held by e& in Vodafone. Dowden said the committee should consist of Vodafone employees, while Buckland said the it should be independent of both e& and Vodafone. Buckland said the committee members should be experts in national security, telecoms and human rights, pointing at the UAE’s “history of repressive activity and espionage”.