PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Be interesting to see if

Arsenal, United, Liverpool, Spurs and Chelsea get their accounts looked at again. Heck throw Newcastle into the mix as well.
The psg guy is a big cheese on the eufa board, they were not doing them like they did us
Yep, I still don't think that was an accident by Leterme. The huge beIN contracts from Qatar state money is a conflict of interest too(UEFA and the PL), said that earlier but I'd completely misread his reply. Tired today haha.
This seems a big part of where we have fallen down. Politics plays a huge part and the club don’t seem across this in any way shape or form. So once again City our club of choice are being battered, of course we hear the club have it covered and it will be alright on the night blah blah BUT it’s then left for us daft cunts to fight on their behalf, it seems difficult not to believe we are merely one of many businesses and a cushy job for those who run the club. If it all goes tits up they can fuck off and not look back.

on this point who owns Man City? I have heard CFG are 80% owned by Sheikh Mansour and 20% owned by some yank outfit, is this true? If so why the fuck isnt someone ramming this down the media throats when they forever say City are state owned by Abu Dhabi? Why isn’t anyone at the club raising the obvious race aspect? Why didn’t the club make a song and dance about the dipper and then Chelsea fans?

the short answer may be the club don’t give two fucks what people think and what experiences us the fans encounter providing we hand over our money and fill in their questionnaires. I guess I am now at anger, following the disbelief and denial.

Think our owner owns 77% the rest silver lake
All the rediculous uniformed tripe is getting rolled out by the FFP experts in my circle. My favourite is people who tell me we only got away with it at CAS because it was time barred and therefore we are certainly guilty with the PL. Usually at that point its time to walk away but this week i've been grumpy as fuck and in my error tried to educate people.

Fact is they don't want to listen and generally have no interest if City are innocent or not, they will always just brand us as cheats and quote fat mick from salfords twitter page as proof we did it. Maybe thats what the PL are going after all along, tarnish our reputation regardless of the outcome.
I can't say I'm surprised to hear this. People tend to be bitter and jealous of high-flying organizations, so they just hope we are guilty because they want us torn apart out of jealousy. It is very smallminded.
The Silverlake angle is a very good point and the Chinese investment in 2014. They will have done their due diligence on Citys accounts to make sure they were getting value for money. Silverlake has gone that far as to putting spades in the ground to build a new arena. Would City be hoodwinking a serious investment firm like them?
I'm trying not to be naïve while also trying to square the seriousness of the claims with the seriousness of the implications for related parties if demonstrated to be true.

Edit: Silverlake would presumably also say they were lied to, but for the levels of deceit we're talking about it would be need complicit parties up and down the club bordering on a criminal scale, right? And frankly those accountants not doing their job properly? It's not something people would be breezily emailing to one another? Or am I missing something?
This is what I keep coming back to really, and while I'm an idiot nobody on a forum I get the sense this is what at least 2 of the 3 CAS people kept coming back to as well. Some of the smartest, best, most thorough accountants around the world have gone over these accounts time and time and time again: if what you're saying is true and as wilful and as obvious as the emails suggest if read in a certain light then they surely must have found something that supports those claims?
I would imagine it's hacked emails, and the Mancini on the Sheiks payroll and the way the Etihad payments were made and by whom.

The other charges seem dependent upon the above and if we have evidence to show the two serious offences are false then we will be clear of all.

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