The selfish, greedy redshirt clubs and their mirror images in Europe started this ffp shit for one aim only, to stop us and anybody else from competing on an even keel. They tried to justify it by saying it was good for the game and would protect clubs from bad owners, when it was anything but. In doing so they killed the dream for the fans of every single club in football who hadn't scrambled up the drawbridge before it slammed tightly shut.
Sadly for them it didn't stop us so they used plan B. Hacking, lies, smears, false charges, changing rules last minute so we failed and then labelling us cheats. All aided and abetted by their lackeys in the media, some of whom are obviously on the payroll and have no morals and wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in their lying spiteful faces. The biggest broadcaster of live football in this country, Sky, is awash with ex redshirt footballers and associates turned pundits, who use their platform to peddle their anti City bile. The fans of the redshirt clubs of course lap this up and perpetuate it as fact. Sadly the fans of other clubs, mainly online, denied any success of their own and as a result riddled with anger, frustration and jealousy, join in. It's all big bad Man City's fault they are cast in the wilderness forever, when the reality is very different.
Now some of those clubs, like Everton, a great traditional club with a proud history have realised the reality of the myth and lies peddled. In spending on players and a new stadium to try and compete again at the top level, they have fallen foul of the system that's rigged against them and every other club with such aspirations. It isn't happening, the elite won't allow it. You are royally fucked. What it's not fair?? Of course it is! Neville, Carragher and all the other "Experts" say it is so it must be! How dare you complain!
Of course an even worse reality is starting to sink in amongst some of their more savvy fans. This isn't about you Everton, it never was. You're not the threat, we are. You are just a pawn in their aim to totally destroy our club and reputation. You are being used as the fluffer, the warm up man for the main act. Destroy City. Look at the headlines since your docking of points. Seventy percent are about us. "What about City??? If Everton are docked ten points they must get relegated to the lowest league in the land, docked a thousand points, cast into the wilderness forever!" All the discussion now is when are they going to punish City. Their job on you is done, you've served your purpose. Even if you have to take the full ten point hit you'll probably stay up. The bigger threat of course is the nonsense of other clubs suing you. The cartel won't shed any tears for you if that's successful though. Just think of the ramifications for City if we're found guilty, unprecedented.
The problem the premier league have is this could implode on them and bring the whole stinking corrupt stack of cards tumbling down. Maybe this was as the plan all along. Collapse the premier league and start a super league mark two. Never, ever underestimate how devious these utter scum are.