PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

After all day of listening to and seeing on social media not one congratulations but all the usual comments but even worse degrading our club the damage is done to our reputation and if we are innocent i hope we take the entire league down. No working with PL for best outcome. Take them to cleaners, the damage they have done is irreparable. So no working with PL or helping PL save face just destroy them
I can see a scenario where the City come out of this as clean as a whistle but give the PL a way out.

Basically the PL could withdraw the case and issue a statement saying that having now reviewed the body of evidence supplied by the club it is clear that we have complied with the rules and there is no evidence of anything to back up the charges laid against us, however this has only come to light after the club provided the documents required to undertake the investigation. While the club withheld these document on following legal advise, If the club had provided this evidence in a more timely manner then the decision to charge the club would never have been made.

As such a fine of £**** has been applied for None co-operation only, and the PL reiterate that their was no evidence of any wrongdoing other than failure to provide documentation in a timely manner.
And we are now writing to every PL club asking them to submit any document that might show whether or not they have complied with all the PL rules.
Pep can answer all of them by:
1. Winning the double double (never done before)
2. Winning 5 in a row, unbeaten with over 100 points (never been done before)

Already has
1. Pure treble (We won the league the season before, unlike the other wankers)
2. Centurions
3. Most goals in a season
4. Domestic quadruple
5. 5 trophies in a calendar year/season

That would complete the bingo card…
It's been a few weeks since the Tolmie and Prestige Cars tweets that the PL case had collapsed and that both parties were negotiating an exit strategy. In that time there has been absolutely nothing from a mainstream journo saying the same.

It would be a huge scoop for anyone that got it out there first but the fact that no-one else higher up the media food chain has got hold of it leads me to think that it's not actually true..... unfortunately :(

It could get well be true.

There isn't a good way for the PL to get out of this and no-one knows anything for a fact. Do it's up to each of us to decide which information we are happy to believe.

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