PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I've heard the PL (utd and Excusepool) have had talks on Mr Masters successor and have made a request asking when Paula Venells can start? Her solicitor gave them the bad news that she would likely be indisposed for a couple of years.
As much as I like Masters to be replaced it shouldn't be up to them to decide who will be next. They should have one vote each out of twenty, otherwise it's tyranni of the minority.
As is often the case when someone has to deal with a family tragedy,some keep their head down and try to get on with life,others throw themselves headlong into a passion or project.
Harris has become obsessed with us and seems to have made it his mission to bring us down.
All rationality seems to have deserted him and it will probably break him as a person.
Such is the level of hatred he appears to have for us it's difficult to have much sympathy, which is sad in itself.
The fact he has allied himself with someone who is a convicted criminal who admitted extortion in return for a suspended sentence says it all. Pinto was caught in an undercover operation by police forces from several countries. The had his bank accounts, phone conversations, even the details of a meeting between Pinto's accoplice and representives of Doyen Sports where his victims were supposed to hand over money. Pinto admitted asking for money in return for not publishing sensitive commercial information but his laughable defence was: "I did it to test them. To see if they reacted." But this sort of blackmail strategy has been his MO in previous cases. In once incident he received £300,000 from a bank in the Cayman Islands into one of his own hidden accounts.
All this came out in the 12 month-long court case . The evidence was overwheming which is why Pinto did a plea bargain. The UK media has ignored the evidence and chosen to promote crazy conspiracy theories. The question any sane person would ask is: "Is it really plausible that all the senior people at City, and their sponsors, and their auditors, and IT people would conspire to commit fraud?" At the same time is it also plausible that all the police forces in Portugal, France, Germany and Italy (as well as Interpol) have all conspired to frame Rui Pinto? Really?
I remember that in the run up to the CAS hearing UEFA had a "smoking gun" that proved City's guilt and which had actually been provided by City themselves! It appears that the club are just as careless, even now. Pinto has evidence on the club's dastardly doings, which he has not released up to now, which have criminal relevance, though we differ with him on whom these emails show to be a criminal. Appare".ntly the club has forgotten that it either sent or received such explosive emails and is sleep walking to disaster in a comforting haze of ignorance. Mr Pinto is, of course, basking in his new contract with certain football clubs for rights to his movie debut in "Carry on Hacking
I remember that in the run up to the CAS hearing UEFA had a "smoking gun" that proved City's guilt and which had actually been provided by City themselves! It appears that the club are just as careless, even now. Pinto has evidence on the club's dastardly doings, which he has not released up to now, which have criminal relevance, though we differ with him on whom these emails show to be a criminal. Appare".ntly the club has forgotten that it either sent or received such explosive emails and is sleep walking to disaster in a comforting haze of ignorance. Mr Pinto is, of course, basking in his new contract with certain football clubs for rights to his movie debut in "Carry on Hacking

Carrion hacking. Which is hopefully how he will be getting his food very shortly. :)

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