Plans for today?

Just had a shit
about to jump in shower
work at 9.30
back home at 4
eat some scoff
back in shower
off to mary d`s for 6
then watch gods club do the filthy rag twats
then go home with biggest smug smile i had for a while
4 hours in front of most of you lot stuck out in the sand pit that is Muscat!!

Been in work since 7am
To excited to work so Bluemoon from now (12:40pm) to 5ish..
Home, shower, changed
Only pub which shows footy here at 6:30pm
get steadily wasted till about 11:45pm
watch game getting on all posh red twats that are here nerves!!
Home by 3am
Up again at 6!!

Not looking forward to Wednesday!
lee-mcfc said:
mcfc_die_hard said:
Well im going to set my alarm for 10 o'clock
get up and have a shower
play cod from about 10.30 till 5 oclock
then have another shower
get changed
go to the pub at about 6
have some beers :)
get to the ground
watch us win 3-0 and fergie curl over on the touchline with a heart attack
then home time :)
lmao 10.30till 5pm on cod you need to get out more lad :p
dude, COD is world class. so hard to stop playing it. dont know about any1 else but a little voice in my head keeps saying 1 more game, 1 more game...
Up at 6:30 - blarge.
Got all "City gear" ready - scarf, shirt etc.
7:30 Filled car up.
8:00 Work
12:00 Grab some lunch and then drive up from Cambridge.
4:00 Arrive - possibly go to the store to indulge my boyhood heroe worship and see the 70's players.
5:30 meet bro-in-law in Dobcross.
6:00 Go down to ground to meet other mates for beer in ground.
8:00-10:00 Enjoy watching City stuff Utd.
10:30 ish leave Dobcross to journey back down the A1 thinking of a visit to wembley to banish the nightmare of my only visit with City and that Rickay Villa gaol. Steve MacKenzie's was much better!
9am - Got up
9:15am - Shower
10am - College
1pm- Home, Lunch, Get changed
3pm - Get into town for a few pre-match bevvies
7pm- Down to the ground
8-10pm- Watch us stuff the rags
SouthStandStander said:
lee-mcfc said:
lmao 10.30till 5pm on cod you need to get out more lad :p
dude, COD is world class. so hard to stop playing it. dont know about any1 else but a little voice in my head keeps saying 1 more game, 1 more game...
lmao i know its good, i was jokinggg about it anyways

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