Plans for today?

are the pubs definatley open today? i dont want to waste my time getting an early bus down for nothing when i could wait and get a lift
got home form work bout an hour ago. had a quick shower, a bite to eat and am ready to go into town now to get pissed.
I'm almost ready now, I'll be catching the bus into town at 3:30 then meeting my mates, getting something to eat then heading up to the Stadium and having a few beers. Stomach's going crazy with nerves though, I doubt I'll be able to eat much.

Our journey to Wembley and the Carling Cup continues tonight guys! See you all later!
Going alone so it's a case of getting the train at 5:30, then walking up to the stadium.

I'm still bloody excited but would be better with some company!
Guvnor, Dodge, Harvey & the rest from Leicester. On the way at 3
Looking forward to getting through too Wembley.
MIB Where are you????????????????????????????????????????????????

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