Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Not sure a thing can be done now, other than to highlight for future opponents that roughhouse tactics don't work, and hopefully bring officials awareness of this tactic to the forefront for our next games.

Surprised at Kane, but that was a shocking tackle. Maybe it was accidental, but even if it was it was a potential season ender and a red.

Alli is a known snide git when things aren't going his way and should have seen red for his pathetic actions, which depressingly for England fans show he'll likely follow the same old route of most English talent and let his selfishness affect big games.
Hate that cùnt Alli more than any other player in the game. The vile fucker will get his comeuppance sooner or later.
Biased twat Hoddle laughed and said it was just a midfielder's tackle by Kane on Sterling. Bottleless God botherer.
Both as blatant reds as you'll see, both incredibly intentional attempts to injure opposition as well which makes it even worse. Appalling that Spurs are constantly allowed to get away with this sort of thing, but they do. Throughout that game they were trying to injure us and they need calling out for it, but they won't be. If Kane and Alli weren't English and it was United players they were trying to cripple, they'd be getting shit from all corners of the media until the FA found a way to ban them

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