Please please please copy the Poznan fans!

northstander said:
fair play to poznan fans last night,they were superb and made a bit of noise, only thing i was disappointed by was not hearing " you've had your day out now f*****f home" !

That was definately sung last night, I heard it but didn't go on for too long unfortunately :(

I really hope to see us do the crazy bouncing thing again is games now, would be amazing to take off them and maybe after some time...more and more people will join in!
'Stuck' in Florida, most of the games I see are on TV. I'm not sure where we got the feed from, but the camera crew and producers couldn't get enough of the Poznan fans "song 'n dance".

Knowing that City and their owners want a global brand, I would think they would support any group who wanted to try and get City's supporters known for their crowd chanting and celebrations.

Turning their back on the game and jumping up and down looked absolutely brilliant, and the fact that almost every one of them, men, women and children did it was superb.

I'll be happy to do it when I get back for the United & Birmingham games, but I might look a bit of a prat doing it on my own !
yaba daba BLUUUUUE said:
I'm 50. And when we went the match, when I was 14> etc we did that kind of thing as a matter of course. OK it wasn't as choreographed, a bit more spontaneous, but the scarf twirling etc, is old school EFL. There was also a the kind of mosh pit kind of thing going.

The seating arrangement, has made that kind of thing more difficult. But poznan showed we can do our version,,, if WE WANT TO.

I was going to start a thread 'Too Cool To Chant'. People seem to think it's childish to wear your colours scarfs etc, and go fucking mental. Well it is. But so is getting worked up about watching 11 men chasing a bag of wind, trying to put it between three sticks. So why not go the whole hog? If something is worth doing, do it right.
absolutely spot on post I am same age and agree with every word. I believe it was Man City supporters who invented the scalf twirling thing with....ooohhhhhhhh Asa Hartford Asa Hartford la la la la la la

BTW, I'll GIVE a megaphone to anyone prepared to be THE MOUTH.
absolutely spot on post I am same age and agree with every word. I believe it was Man City supporters who invented the scalf twirling thing with....ooohhhhhhhh Asa Hartford Asa Hartford la la la la la la
Look lech poznan fans training supports ( U -11 cup) <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
FAZIII1 said:
Look lech poznan fans training supports ( U -11 cup) <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

I have just watched that and have to say was astounded, we will never emulate support like this ever!

Fantastic, great kids weren't scared ;)
FAZIII1 said:
Look lech poznan fans training supports ( U -11 cup) <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Thats impressive mate, really impressive.
a few more good video wth Lech supports.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re=related</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> - look at 7 minute this is a cuple idea how look l supports Lech Poznan
The Poznan fans were great last night, and it made for a top atmosphere. Can't wait for the away leg when the whole stadium will be at it.

It's daft though to try and emulate it. Different cultures and mentality and all that. If City started trying orchestrated routines and people with megaphones we'd look ridiculous.

I'm all in favour of getting all the singers together in one stand as it'd improve the atmosphere significantly, but we shouldn't try and become something we're not.
Whilst all of these ideas are great and I would love to see the sort of atmosphere we used to generate at Maine rd there is 1 important flaw... no matter what is suggested on here, the fact is..sadly, there are AT LEAST 30,000 match going blues who are NOT part of this forum.
blumoonrises said:
.......I would love to see the sort of atmosphere we used to generate at Maine rd there is 1 important flaw....

Yeah there is one major flaw, it just wasn't as special as some of you remember, on its day it was good, but so is CoMS "on its day".

Even with 50,000 in there in the days of the old Kippax, it didn't hit the heights that often, I know folk remember the good old days well, but they only remember the GOOD, but it was often much like CoMS is today.

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