police will all be in riot gear



All police officers on duty at the Etihad stadium for Sunday's Manchester FA Cup derby will be wearing full riot gear, it emerged today.

It is understood to be the first time Greater Manchester Police has decided to ask all officers at a football match to wear the protective uniforms.

The move comes after one officer was left partially sighted when he was struck by a missile at a previous derby match at the stadium in April 2010.

A GMP source told the MEN: “We want to make it a great football occasion that decent fans of both clubs can get to safely and get away safely.

“All officers in and around the ground will don riot gear for the first time.

“This is a response to last year when an officer suffered a serious eye injury when he was hit by a missile.”

can only see this antagonising more people to fight tbh
i was at the game last year when the trouble kicked off after tha game its was obvious a cop was gonna get hurt as city fans were making there way down past the eastlands bar the cops charged at them and before they charged there was no actual physical violence or things being thrown it was simply shouting and singing so the cops brought it on themselves
bluebannana said:
All police officers on duty at the Etihad stadium for Sunday's Manchester FA Cup derby will be wearing full riot gear, it emerged today.

It is understood to be the first time Greater Manchester Police has decided to ask all officers at a football match to wear the protective uniforms.

The move comes after one officer was left partially sighted when he was struck by a missile at a previous derby match at the stadium in April 2010.

A GMP source told the MEN: “We want to make it a great football occasion that decent fans of both clubs can get to safely and get away safely.

“All officers in and around the ground will don riot gear for the first time.

“This is a response to last year when an officer suffered a serious eye injury when he was hit by a missile.”

can only see this antagonising more people to fight tbh

riot gear or not it will still be kicking off around the ground and the close by streets
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs
im not surprised, the police act like at third set of hooligans at times, only better equiped ones, if they think this will solve anything there stuipid its just going to spark off more trouble, treated like animals at fooball and it pisses me off.
So what? If it were one of your loved ones partially blinded by any football fan, you'd be livid. No harm in extra protection. Especially with the amount of dickhead fans both teams have...
Having all police in riot gear is a massive overreaction.

There's been trouble at every derby game in living memory, and I doubt very much indeed if only one copper has ever been hurt in all these years...

The police are not the military, they're supposed to do their jobs with our consent..
King Of All Geordies said:
The police are not the military, they're supposed to do their jobs with our consent..

Which means they have to do a dangerous job without protective equipment? Give over you soft get, let them wear a helmet and some shin pads if they want, it's not hurting you. If it was me policing a derby match I'd rather be protected from any potential missiles.
They should make the rag twatzoids to come in coaches as a condition of entry. Apparently there is recent precedence for this. Might have been the Portsmouth V Southamption game.

Then they should be kept in for an hour and a half (at least) after the final whistle and we must play a Rick Astley song over and over at deafining volume(if we lose) and Blue Moon alternating with the "This is what it's like to be City" song they used to love if we win. Their ears should bleed.

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