police will all be in riot gear

dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Stretford Born Blue said:
Anybody heard any rumours about potential trouble as I'm taking my little fella, aged ten to his first Derby match.
Now, I don't mind having to look after myself but god help if anybody upsets my kid. I would rather avoid any trouble so are the Rat's and MIB's going to be around.., has anybody heard anything...?

Was chatting to Buckethead this morning and during our chat he was saying how indifferent the majority are to this fixture. He did of course also alude quite correctly to the fact that the Derby often provokes random groups to act alone on the spur of the moment so I would suggest watching your back as always but ignoring any scaremongering, there is always some form of bother because of the occasion but nothing planned that could be avoided. Common sense always prevails if you use it !

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

I think he means they're trouble causers when policing matches, not when they're investigating burglaries.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

The police were rubbish when my house was burgled. And they were rubbish when someone smashed my car window and nicked my sat nav. And they were rubbish when my mum had her purse snatched. Sorry, but these are the facts. And after the CC S/F at Eastlands, one of the mounted police decided to grab my cousin and swing him around by the hood. Which isn't as funny as it sounds. He had his ten year old with him and was minding his own business and trying to get back to his car. Bullies are attracted to the police force.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.
Pam said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

The police were rubbish when my house was burgled. And they were rubbish when someone smashed my car window and nicked my sat nav. And they were rubbish when my mum had her purse snatched. Sorry, but these are the facts. And after the CC S/F at Eastlands, one of the mounted police decided to grab my cousin and swing him around by the hood. Which isn't as funny as it sounds. He had his ten year old with him and was minding his own business and trying to get back to his car. Bullies are attracted to the police force.

It had to be another fucking mounted copper they're the worst of the lot them bastards.
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Pam said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

The police were rubbish when my house was burgled. And they were rubbish when someone smashed my car window and nicked my sat nav. And they were rubbish when my mum had her purse snatched. Sorry, but these are the facts. And after the CC S/F at Eastlands, one of the mounted police decided to grab my cousin and swing him around by the hood. Which isn't as funny as it sounds. He had his ten year old with him and was minding his own business and trying to get back to his car. Bullies are attracted to the police force.

why were they rubbish? The cops need evidence to convict etc.If the burglar left none then why is that the polices fault? Don't leave your sat nav in the car is the moral of that story.It;s called crime prevention. Sorry but balming the cops for that is just fucking ludicrous!
dogblue said:
there will be no trouble at all ..... both sets of fans will be wearing them half city half rag scarfs whilst holding hands skipping to the ground singing manchester na na na :)

Sounds more like the Merseyside derby. Scousers aren't exactly known for their peace or tolerance so how that one goes without at least 8 deaths per match is beyond me.

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